View Full Version : Anyone feel there heartbeating?

19-05-14, 09:29
Can anyone else feel there heart pumping away in there chest? For the last few days i have been terribly anxious and i when im sat or lay down doing noyhing i can feel my heart pumping away, almost like its pumping too hard (im not out of breath)
Its highly worrying and highly annoying! The amount of attacks ive had this week over my heart is shocking!
I have the doctors tomorrow but scared his going to find a problem with my heart!! :(
I spoke to my dad about it yday who said my brother had this problem xmas time so i contacted him and he said hia doctor put it down to anxiety and had to learn to calm down, relax and dont panic!
Will this ever go away! :(
If im busy up an about doing stuff i dont notice it

19-05-14, 09:33
There mustbe something you worry about, find what it is, uf theres nothing then its just ur body, we re not robbots, or coffee alcoloh , bad sleep, there are many reasons.

19-05-14, 09:34
If you only notice it whilst your doing nothing... yoir thinking about your heart and making yourself feel it beating... its like me when im busy doing things I barely notice it but when im doing nothing I have the time to think about it which makes me feel it..

It definitely is anxiety cause you sound so much like me.

Next time you feel it beating just try to distract your mind and try not to focus on it.. the worry will eventually pass x

19-05-14, 09:35
This is one of the hallmarks of anxiety. There is no problem with your heart or respiratory system that I know of that could possibly cause this symptom. And believe me, I've looked.

Have a look here (http://palps.chemicalforums.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?board=general), and have a read of Heart Palpitations 101 1-6. :)

20-05-14, 10:21
Thanka for your replies guys .. What dont i worry about dafni lol, i dont remember a day i havent paniced over something :(
I have docs this morn at 11:40 but even the thought of what his going to say is putting me in a panic