View Full Version : Blood tests results

19-05-14, 13:23
I just called for my results and the receptionist said that they were all normal , I'm worried she's got them mixed up with last years i know this is mental , I really want to ring and ask if she's sure but i know I'll look like a loon , also istill have an incredibly dry mouth and tingly tongue , and I know blood tests don't always detect cancer :( x

19-05-14, 14:47
Your fine.... they wouldnt get results mixed up like that

19-05-14, 15:37
call back and ask if she could confirm the date of those tests - ive done that before

19-05-14, 15:45
Should I ? X

19-05-14, 17:42
yes they are your results. It will reassure you and only takes one minute! :)