View Full Version : weird feeling

09-12-06, 16:05
im new to this site but can anyone tell me does health anxiety make you feel dizzy and your head just feel weird at times its hard to explain x

09-12-06, 16:32
Hi Kelly,

I hope its health anxiety because I feel weird in my head a lot too. Its almost like my head is on a long thin stick and very wobbily and woozy and other times I feel really tense in my face - like a heavy, dragging feeling with pressure...............very odd and scarey. Is that how you feel?

I am pretty sure it is a common feeling.................caused by tension and or hyperventilation. Not nice but defnately NOT dangerous and like most of the other symptoms eases with relaxtion and distraction.

Hope that at least reassures you that you are not alone.

09-12-06, 16:33
Hi Kelly246

I'm new too!
Any kind of anxiety can make you feel like that. The best bet is to take youself to the doctors and explain exactly what you feel to them. They are the best qualified people to help.

I did feel those symptoms at the start - a spaced out feeling.
Slow deep breathes may make you feel better.


09-12-06, 17:20
Hi Kelly,yes pet it can make you very dizzy,lightheaded.We understand how you feel!!!!!;)

Ellen XX