View Full Version : muscles muscles muscles !!!!!

19-05-14, 14:16
I woke up with really sore tensed muscles!!!!!! I cant take my muscle relaxer s because im home alone with my kids, i don't:scared15: know what to do!!!!!!

19-05-14, 14:37
Ugh! Well, you'll be glad of a little massage when your hubby gets home from work, if that's possible! And for whenever you do get to the store again, add epsom salts to the list! Plenty of it, a good cup under very warm running water, will soothe the aches out of muscles nicely. :hugs:

19-05-14, 14:41
I so need to get to the store, its making me start to panic!!!

19-05-14, 14:44
Hi Eve - I wake up with aching muscles alot. Sometimes it's because I've been at the gym, at times it's the way I've slept or more often than not it's because I'm feeling stressed or anxious and holding myself very stiffly! I find stretching & moving around eases the tenseness. SADnomore is right - a very warm bath will work wonders too. Enjoy!!! xx

19-05-14, 15:08
Thank you , i hold my self stiffly a lot, it a habbit!!

19-05-14, 15:11
When we are anxious we tend to tense our muscles more and make them ache so bad :( Yes as others have said, a nice hot bath with Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender oil works wonders. :)

19-05-14, 15:13
ugh i so need that right now!! lol

19-05-14, 16:27
Hunni, do you own a heating pad or hot water bottle? If you can sit with that for a bit and then do some stretching exercises it helps a lot. Then follow up with ice. A bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel works fine! xx

19-05-14, 16:58
Yes i have a huge heating pad! ok, i just dont think of these things at the time!!

19-05-14, 17:10
It's a mom thing, lol! My kids HATE all my fussing :weep: It's so nice to be appreciated! :D

19-05-14, 17:33
Lol, yea im a yeller, They hardly ever get spankings!!