View Full Version : I have a stalker!!!

19-05-14, 19:25
Me and my husband has been together 6 years now , Have 4 wonderful children together! about 3 years ago this random guy moves into our town, ever since then if i see him out somewhere he trys to make a pass at me! He started riding pass my house, knocks on my door, i to scared to answer because i know what he wants!! (ME):scared15::unsure::huh::shrug:!!
My husband is my soul mate, he take care of us he is the best thing ever, my best friend, we never cheated on each other or had any trust issues, we have a great relationship, so i never mislead this guy at all, the only thing i ever said to him was hello and no i dont need you to do my yard work y husband takes care of it!!!!!!

One day in a local store he came up to me saying he couldn't stop thinking of me and he talk to his mom about it and his girlfriend was jealous of me!!!
Scared the crap out of me!!
My husband and i are close and he knows everything, of course hes the man of the family and very protective, he wants to hurt him! ?That wont solve anything but getting him in trouble....

This morning took the icing off the cake, I was upstairs getting out my bedroom, the kids were downstairs eating breakfast, i heard some one at the door, so i talk in my living room and as i get to the door he is opening it, i slammed the door shut in his face, went into a panic, then i heard him run to his car and drive off! :scared15:Thank God my mom was coming over, i went home with her!!!

Now im scared that he going to try and brake in and rape me!! Hurt my kids or me!!:scared15:
I have thought about reporting him but my fear of court rooms are in the way, every time im in one i go into a panic, sweat, shake and feels like im suffocating!!! :lac:


19-05-14, 19:31
I think it would be best if you mention it to the Police and they could give him a warning. Ideally your husband could speak to him and tell him to stay away but maybe that isn't a good idea if he is going to attack him. He has tried to get into your house though so to me that is a matter for the police to deal with. :hugs:

19-05-14, 19:32
Call the police!

If he is persistently trying to make a move on you (which could be sexual harassment, depending on what he's doing/saying), even attempting to let himself into your home (which is trespassing) then he needs a telling off from the police to stop. At the worst he'll get an ASBO or a restraining order and if he breaches it he'll go to prison.

I can understand that this is not the route you'll want to take but if you're worried what he'll do to you and your children it would be best to get the police involved. In the mean time please keep your doors and windows locked and keep an eye on the children.

19-05-14, 19:44
It wouldn't be a great thing if my husband talked to him, hes not a violent person but when it comes to me and the kids, its a different story!!
Thats something that worries me, my door is always locked, so im on edge about how he unlocked it or did my husband forget to lock it on his way to work, i ask him he said he locked it!!!
Thanks for the replies !!
I'm really freaked about this!!
I'm contacting the Sheriff!!!

19-05-14, 19:47
Yes you need to contact the Sheriff straight away.

19-05-14, 19:51
I'm doing that now, hes coming over this after noon!!!

19-05-14, 19:59
Good, let us know what he says :hugs:

19-05-14, 20:15
sure will :hugs:

19-05-14, 20:23
It could be he has a tool or something, or it could be he coaxed one of the kids into unlocking the door and then they got scared and ran back. In any case, FILE A COMPLAINT, yes! You may not have to go to court at all. Really truly. Your mom could go with you if needed. Hell, I'll come down to Kentucky and go with you both!!! Lol! Do not let this happen to you any more, hunni, please ...
Marie :hugs:

19-05-14, 20:36
Lol, Oh Marie, you are to much to handle, lol!:D
I wish you could come here!! We would have a blast!!!
I'm taking care of it love!

19-05-14, 20:43
I'm so glad that you've got hold of the sheriff. I really hope that this gets sorted out because that must be awful to experience. You know where we are if you some extra support.

19-05-14, 21:18
Hi eve this happened to me when I was only 15 I was so scared I didnt no him even ,he would follow me all the time he would try to talk to me he was so creepy I stopped going out on my own ,then came the letters I kept them all it was enough we phoned the police they warned him off thank god he stayed away but I know how you feel eve your doing the right thing xx

19-05-14, 21:31
Oh thats just awful!!!
Thank you all for the support!!!