View Full Version : Factual Inquiry

19-05-14, 19:30
The factual select few DPGs and ladies within stated group whom have viewed my posts and conversed with myself, along with all whom have factually viewed stated posts, will be factually aware of the fact I do not blame my best friend and such facts.

While the fact of my OCD, intrusive thoughts and such factually are centred around herself, and without such those precise thoughts would not factually occur, she does not factually cause such by her own factual hand.

She has stated I am not factually blaming herself, and I do not doubt her, nor do I factually disbelieve herself or factually think stated intrusive thoughts myself.

Simply she is beyond priceless to myself, and there are factually no words known to any language or tongue to mankind to express such.

I simply seek to inquire the below to all factual DPGs and ladies within stated forum:

Does the fact I consistently have factual intrusive thoughts stating blaming against herself while I factually do not, or stating the facts without herself I would not possess such factual thoughts or that without herself, stated thoughts or factual would be simpler not because of her fault simply because the thoughts would not occur because she is the factual object, imply or factually state I am stating without her my life or existence would be easier because of herself, or that I am seeking to remove her from my factual existence or blame herself?

I did not factually begin with stated thought and I factually have denied it. However I factually have a mental process that states how it factually is correct yet states clearly it is not her factual fault as it is not her own fault or actions and such. This fact of partial agreement then stated causes myself to factually believe I am thinking such facts of my own accord.

Even factually at present, I factually gained the thought of what if I factually am and such.

I do not factually seek to lose herself, nor do I truly and factually believe that without herself my existence would be simpler because of her herself not being there or because of her factual actions.

I factually apologise, I have stated such to herself however I will be better than ever once conversation has resumed with herself.

I have factually viewed and extensively searched and located none like myself whom have consistent thoughts which state blame towards the one they love.

Such factual thoughts increase my self doubt and cause myself to factually view that it states I do not love herself when I do.

I am aware that it can be factually stated that without specific people one's life would be factually simple, however for myself I cannot state such as, while partially correct, I do not think such and it is not her factual fault and such thoughts doe not compute and is factually damaging to myself and inflicts factual self doubt.

I do not factually desire to lose her and such. I do not doubt her, nor do I factually believe she will factually accuse myself or believe I am factually accusing herself and such.

She is missed beyond factual words, as she factually states the facts and I believe herself without factual doubt. My doubt remains entirely within myself and such. I do not wish to lose herself and I do not truly believe that without her facts would be simpler because of herself.

Best of factual wishes and such to all DPGs and ladies.

Catherine S
19-05-14, 19:56
Sorry to say it to you' but I think some of us will find it difficult to understand what you're asking. Is your condition worse today? Reading your signature Greyback...it was written relatively clearly at the time you wrote it, so do you feel your OCD has got worse over time? Sorry I can't be of help though.

19-05-14, 20:07
Basically Miss, a factual spike in stated OCD and intrusive thoughts has occurred.

When I factually view other stated posts, factual words will cause factual intrusive thoughts. Then when I do not factually react or intrusive thoughts stating I would do such facts I never would do so and I fail to get worked up and such, I factually believe I would do such.

I simply sought to inquire Miss:

I consistently have factual intrusive thoughts stating blaming my factual best friend or stating that without herself I would not possess such factual thoughts or that without herself or factual existence would be simpler not because of her fault simply because the thoughts would not occur because she is the factual object

I simply seek to inquire and confirm

Does myself factually stating partial agreement in the fact that without herself the thoughts would not occur or existence stated simpler,due to herself being the object imply or factually state I am stating without her my life or existence would be easier because of herself, that I blame herself, that I am seeking to remove her from my factual existence or she is factually at fault and such?

I did not factually begin with stated thought Miss and I am aware that factual people of this world can state that without specific people such existence would be simpler and not factually mean such facts, I cannot without feeling I am factually stating it as a permanent fact. I do not think such constantly nor do I truly think such

Indeed Miss my OCD has factually progressed and deepened and such. It is not my best friends factual fault, she simply is understandably busy and such, nor does she herself factually cause it by any act of her own. She is simply the object of the OCD and stated intrusive thoughts.

Factual apologies Miss, however even with the fact of my OCD being in affect, I converse the same and such.

I factually go through stated period where I get intrusive thoughts stating random facts and do not react or factually state simply acknowledgement that I have had stated thought and such.

However I do not think such facts consistently or factually truly and such.

Catherine S
19-05-14, 20:42
Well I know she makes you feel calmer if you have spoken to her, but are you saying your condition wouldn't be so extreme if you didn't know her at all...if she had never come into your life at all. She's the object of your OCD yet calms you at the same time...distressing to say the least Greyback.

Liking your pic by the way :-)

19-05-14, 20:49
Did I give that factual impression Miss?

I am not stating that nor did I state that. Without herself, as she is the object, I would not possess those specific thoughts however it is not her factual fault.

I did not state that at all factually. That is factually my fear of such. I have asked others such as family, and even herself and she has stated that I am not stating such.

I did not state that if I had not known her at all Miss, that I factually would not possess such a condition. I simply stated as she is the object because she is factually more priceless to myself than anything other, that if she was not there the thoughts about her specifically would not occur, not because it is factually her fault. Simply she is the object and such Miss..

If I factually stated that my condition would not be so extreme if we had never factually met, or gave such impression, I apologise.

However I am aware for a fact that I did not state that. While I regretfully doubt my own facts, I do not regret being friends with her. Without herself.. I cannot factually state what would have occurred the past few years and such..

Did I give that factual impression Miss that I factually wish she had not come into my existence?

I did not even factually consider such, however my factual intrusive thoughts and self doubt now state I did factually or do so factually think this.. When I do not and such

Catherine S
19-05-14, 20:54
Its ok Greyback, it was more likely that I misunderstood your question. You and she have a good relationship but its complexity is sometimes hard for an outsider to understand. No offence intended though.

19-05-14, 21:05
Hello greyback im sorry to hear your not so good at the moment ,intrusive thoughts totally no what you mean ,when get them I try to block them out its so hard as you no do you get any help for this love if not you should I had thearapy its helped me some what but they still creep in my head from time to time ,if I can do anything to help I will xx

19-05-14, 21:07
Apologies, however I inquire again Miss

Did I give that factual impression Miss that I factually wish she had not come into my existence?

I simply inquired if myself getting such factual intrusive thoughts, then stating that such is correct but not because it is factually her fault, simply because thoughts are about her and such.

When conversing with herself or when OCD dies down, I do not factually think such thoughts.

If I factually implied or stated any such against herself or implied I factually thought such, I did not Miss and such, however I am aware I did not state such.

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

Hello greyback im sorry to hear your not so good at the moment ,intrusive thoughts totally no what you mean ,when get them I try to block them out its so hard as you no do you get any help for this love if not you shpuld I had thearapy its helped me some what but they still creep in my head from time to time ,if I can do anythung to help I will xx

In factual reference Miss, my best friend does assist myself when factual busyness permits and she can.

Simply I sought to inquire the factual query above to Miss Believe and all whom are aware of myself and such.

Catherine S
19-05-14, 21:15
No you didn't give the impression that you wish she'd never come into your life Greyback, it was just my misunderstanding of your original question.

19-05-14, 21:21
My apologies for the factual confusion Miss.

I also apologise for any factual bother.

The factual fault is not hers, and I hope I have not factually implied by stating this that I consider that it was?

She has contacted me, however as is factually understandable she is busy and I completely and factually understand this and was aware.

I stated all facts previous to herself that I had inquired and requested if she could tell me factually if I appeared to state such facts and others.

I would also inquire if myself feeling factually calm during stated intrusive thoughts or accepting such without argument, is confirming I think such factually random or stray thoughts?

If I might be permitted.

It is factually unfair that my entire factual thoughts of herself consist and focus on my own errors and such factual worries. It is not her factual fault that such facts centre upon herself however.

I love herself more than I can factually ever state, and yet my OCD has factually twisted such around upon itself and twisted the factual thoughts of the one whom is my existence and such.

19-05-14, 21:36
Greyback so glad your friend has been intouch and pleased she assists you me and ISB were trying to do the same love take care xx

19-05-14, 21:47
Greyback so glad your friend has been intouch and pleased she assists you me and ISB were trying to do the same love take care xx

I am factually aware of your undeserved assistance and such Miss, however while I appreciate the undeserved such facts, I never factually consider such or gain factual queries about yourselves doing such.

I remain emotionally devoid, aside from when conversing with my best friend which is perfection, just as she is utter perfection.

Aside from this, when stated OCD, Autism, Aspergers or facts of the other conditions I am considered to possess occur and such are interfering or factually random occurrences and such Miss, I do not as stated experience emotions and such aside from factual intrusive thoughts consisting of insults to myself or blame against herself and such.

As I stated

The factual fault is not hers, simply because it is to do with and factually about herself and such.

I hope I have not factually implied by stating this that I consider that it was and I hope the fact of being calm during a portion of stated intrusive thoughts does not factually state I myself think them?

She is missed beyond factual statement is able to be made in any language in the knowledge of mankind.

Such is the factual thought when OCD has calmed and I am factually calmer. It is a constant factual thought which I grasp and such, as it stated I factually care for herself and such Miss Stress and such.