View Full Version : So anxious about exam results :(

19-05-14, 20:29
Had my second and last exam today, and everything came up which I HADN'T revised...I'm sure we've all been there.
I've got a placement on the line so if I fail I don't think i'd be able to go on the placement. So now instead of being happy my exams have finished I'm more miserable than I was yesterday.

I just feel like having a good vent as this may have just messed up my future!

19-05-14, 20:35
I'm sure you haven't messed up your exam and even if you haven't done as well as you wanted to there will be something you can do. So relax (I know it's easier said than done) and enjoy the break. Nothing you can do till the results come out.

What is it you're doing?

19-05-14, 20:48
When I was young I did my A Levels like most teenagers of my age. My worst fears came true, I failed them!

I cannot explain how much of a failure I felt, I let myself and my family down. I saw a lady at Connexions and she got me enrolled onto a Diploma at college. Guess what, I passed with flying colours! I then failed university, which really took a massive knock at my confidence, I had no idea what I was going to do, health care was all I knew. After a few years of contemplating I reached the decision to train as a counsellor. I love my course, it is exactly what I want to do, I even thought about it was a teenager. So even though I failed my exams it led me onto a career path that I know I will be good at, and the failures have taught me some good lessons indeed! I suppose it was fate that led me to where I am now.

I am sure that you have done really well. I know the wait is painful, but keep your mind busy, see friends, do hobbies. If you pass then all the better, if you fail then you have a back up plan. Try to keep positive!

19-05-14, 20:51
What's the worst case scenario? I'm guessing you have a chance to re-sit or appeal. And it's worth speaking to tutors about extenuating circumstances due to anxiety, as this can help especially if your grade is borderline. If you're unsure about the implications of any outcome, don't suffer in silence, speak to someone - please.

Now what's the best case scenario? And have you ever surprised yourself before by doing better than you thought? I'm sure you have!

Be kind to yourself

19-05-14, 20:53
I do information technology management for business, and my placement is at gsk as a project manager so it's a massive opportunity for me, but I mean plan B would be to see if I can still go on placement if I did fail with resit. if not..then it's resit in August without placement, providing I pass then onto third year