View Full Version : New to stress and anxiety and nomorepanic

PHD Stress
19-05-14, 20:49
Hi there!

I am new to the forum and would probably just like to chat to people regarding my panic attacks. The panic attacks started about 3 months ago and I end up with a lot of chest pain and arm pain. Its really uncomfortable> Have been to the doctors had ecg's and xrays and doctors say all is fine, and suggested it is stress that are causing the panic attacks. My dad is also a doctor and says the same thing and becomes quite irritated with me and stress and panic attacks. Everyone says that I should exercise, tried that earlier tonight, started walking on the treadmill and within minutes my heart was racing and pulse rate was above 180bpm. Needless to say within minutes I started stressing about it and pains started in my chest and arm and then just made the whole experience worse. I really really want to get over this and get it out of my life. People keep on saying that I should get all the stresses out of my life and that things will get better from there. I am 29 years old and finishing up with my phd and busy with the whole job search thing, which everyone says is what is stressing me out. Guess I just wanted some help and support from people who understand what im going through. Ive read a lot of the stuff on the website but it all feels so impersonal. Anyways HI everyone and I hope to make a quick recovery and get back to my old self.

19-05-14, 21:58
Hello PHD you will find lots of help and support here for like minded people and you are lucky having your own personal doctor lol I would drive him mad :) xx

PHD Stress
20-05-14, 08:31
Thank you! I just feel that I need to talk to people who understand what im experiencing. My dad as I have said is a doctor and he is just irritated by the whole thing Ive seen the doctors 4 times in the past 3 months had 2 ecgs, bloodwork and chest xrays done and all clear. In march I saw the other doctor at my dads practice and she suggested to put me on cilift but my parents weren't keen on it so I didn't take it, now im starting to wonder maybe I should've taken it and nipped the whole thing in the bud coz at that stage I had only had a few panic attacks, but since then quite few more. I have good days though where I don't experience any pain or panic attacks. But it seems that when I have a panic attack after a few good days its at its worst and I struggle convincing myself that all is actually ok.

30-05-14, 07:49
Hi, phd, that's how my panic attacks started, eventually i felt so helpless with so many things racing through my mind, it was as if i was going out of my mind or something physically bad, went to many doctors, had a complete physical check up.... And alas my body was fine. Went to a psychiatrist and found out i had started panic attack syndrome.... which was caused by my drinking a cup of pure coffee on an empty stomach which caused heart palpitations and my first panic attack. Two terrible weeks of having those attacks were the worst time in my life.

Was given Zoloft for 6months, and xanax to counter the side effects of sertraline for the 1st 2 weeks.

Hope this would help out.

Good luck! Regards