View Full Version : Personality Type ?

19-05-14, 20:56

I did this test last night.

It turns out that I'm INFJ personality type, a type which is 1% of the population.

What is your type?

Is there a correlation between Personality Type and Anxiety/Depression?

19-05-14, 21:22
Extravert(11%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(25%) Judging(1%)
You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (11%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

I would prefer to think then to feel, but hey. First and second statement is true. Not sure on the last one.

The answer to your question, possibly.

19-05-14, 21:38
Introvert(89%) Sensing(1%) Feeling(44%) Perceiving(28%)

You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%)
You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (44%)
You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (28%)

The trouble is that I hate being introverted!:doh:
The other three statements seem to correct though!

20-05-14, 02:35
I found out I was an INFJ a few years back and have wondered if our type was more prone to anxiety. My mother also has anxiety and she too came out as INFJ.

20-05-14, 03:46
ENFP, thats about 2-8% of the population apparently.
I'm not really sure it fits me though!

blue moon
20-05-14, 05:05

20-05-14, 09:21
I'm an INFP.

I took the test on a different website though. It's accurate for me!


20-05-14, 11:49
Says im a NOB
What does that mean ?

only messing


Thing is i always want to answer the question thoroughly and correctly and i found myself picturing different scenarios were id answer both yes and no then was frustrated putting yes/no were i knew i could have also put no/yes.

Love doing these though

INFJ on Lunas site too

20-05-14, 12:54
Us INFJ's are doomed to be frustrated in an illogical World. Just because we're so awesome though :)

20-05-14, 13:39
took the test, INFJ

20-05-14, 13:50
Also INFJ!! lol

20-05-14, 15:27
I am ISTJ !

20-05-14, 19:36
I don't think too many of us are going to be Extroverts.

Depression is said to be `anger without enthusiasm'

Instead of screaming, shouting and fighting - introverts lock in their anger and frustrations.

Boxing's a great way to vent the frustrations and the anger - even get a punchbag for the home.

20-05-14, 20:55
I'm meant to be leaning towards being extrovert according to that test and I suffer from depression. So that logic doesn't always work.

20-05-14, 20:59
Are you an Extrovert?

I always thought a many of the reasons for Depression were the inability to express your feelings properly.

20-05-14, 22:50
I think Extroversion/Introversion is a lot simpler than that from what I've learned. Extroverts derive energy from being with people in social situations. Introverts derive energy from being on their own. It's not that introverts don't like being social, but after being social for some time need time on their own to recharge.

20-05-14, 23:38
also Istj, took the second one, where I understood the questions better.

21-05-14, 15:50
I don't fully agree that depression is caused by not being able to express feelings. Many creative people, like myself, express our feelings through our art but have a diagnosed depressive disorder. I do that with writing, my husband does it with music, and we're both depressed. I wish I knew why we get depressed but I believe it's a mixture of our environment, diet, chemical imbalance, genetics and trauma.

22-05-14, 02:08
I got EIFP - Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception
I'm not sure that suits me but not because of the extraversion part, that bit definitely fits! I don't need people around me all the time though, I def need time to recharge too, I'm just very expressive and creative. You can be extroverted and have depression, a lot of comedians have depression for example.

I've never felt depression is anger without enthusiasm. I get quite frustrated when I see things about depression (not this post! :) just in general) that try to sum up what it is, because what suits one person will be misleading for another. People get to thinking there is a way they have to act, be or deal with it and the truth is there is no one rule other than get through it.

22-05-14, 10:31
I study Psychology and different types of personality are brought up often. This is really interesting though! We need like a poll or something here!

I don't think it actually matters if you are introverted or extroverted, I think it lies within what framework you have to fend off stress and the billion other variables as Rennie said.

There's been a few interesting studies done on different personality types actually. I'm sure a quick search will bring them up for you. If you care for that stuff that is :)

22-05-14, 20:46
I express my feelings through my art also. It's very meditative and calming.

So is boxing :)

22-05-14, 21:08
Lol Oosh you made me giggle xx

im a isfj

introvert 78%
Sensing 50%
Feeling 25%
Judging 22%

22-05-14, 21:51
Lol Oosh you made me giggle xx

im a isfj

introvert 78%
Sensing 50%
Feeling 25%
Judging 22%
