View Full Version : Should I get this checked?

19-05-14, 22:57
For the past few weeks, I have been tormented by health anxiety. The most common symptom that has been setting me off was my heart, or something related to it. I have been checking my pulse almost everyday, due to the same fluttering I get around noon. My BPM at rest has been from 80-104, and after a half-hour walk 130! Should I get it looked at?


20-05-14, 00:47
I think you should, when i first started having these problems i went and had test done, everything was fine, but it helped me to relax!!
Are you on any meds for your anxiety??

20-05-14, 00:58
I take no meds, nor have been diagnosed with it 'officially'. The palpitations come at random, but my normal resting rate (even when calm) has been 80-87 BPM for a while now. Me feeling my heart by pressing on my chest is causing a sharp pain, making my 'I am going to have a heart attack' mode kick in. Is it just me, when I get this way, I am a little bit more energetic and constantly thumping my legs or flexing my muscles?

20-05-14, 09:01
Maybe you should think about seeing a doctor! there is meds out there that will calm you and make you feel better!

I have had all these symptoms, and when they got my medication together it started to get better!!
I hope things get better for you!!!