View Full Version : feeling anxious/depressed again after being off of citalopram for a month

19-05-14, 23:30
Been off Citralopram for a month. I had withdrawl symptoms for about a week or so but then I felt fine. My anxiety seemed to be under control and I was feeling great. It wasn't until I got really bad motion sickness on a rollercoaster that my anxiety/low mood returned. I have not felt normal since I got sick from the ride. After the ride I felt very nauseated and sick. I finally started to feel better a few hours after being on the ride. Later that night after eating I felt nauseated again. I puked several times and felt very ill for the next day or so. My anxiety/low mood slowly crept up on me and never went away. A week later I still have some stomach pain and I feel really bad emotionally all day. I just started my period so that may be contributing to some of my emotional state. I just don't understand why I am feeling so bad. I am not anxious/depressed about anything specific except the fact that my symptoms have returned. Has anyone gone off citralopram and felt great for a few weeks but then started to feel anxiety/low mood once again? Did the motion sickness cause my anxiety to return? Maybe it's just really bad pms? May need to go back on Citalopram. I can not go on struggling day to day like this emotionally. Don't feel normal.

20-05-14, 00:06
Ah bless you.... I came of cipralex and was fine for a couple of months then my anxiety came back constantly because i was upset about something, and I became very tearful...I had to go back on Cipralex I am now 14 days in ...I tried propanalol first to help with the anxiety that helped a bit then I started thinking about what would happen if I lost control and scared myself so went back on cipralex 5mg.
I think if I come of again I will use the liquid form and cut down to 1ml and stay at that cause I can't stand the side effects.
Hope your OK, may be it might go :) try running, and avoid caffeine & sugar..goog luck

20-05-14, 06:29
I came off for a month then started getting worried about something and bam im back on a different type but still an ssri zoloft, I was on cit but caused side effects now on zoloft things improved emotionally but still dealing with some side effects. but crazy thing is as soon as i took my first pill noticed an immediate boost of happiness