View Full Version : earwax and ear pain with a fever - im very anxious

20-05-14, 00:02
hi there. i have had a cold for the past week but been feeling better the last few day. today i blew my nose quite hard and my ears popped nd felt weird and i now have a sore throat on that side and ear pain and i also hav a fever and feel generally npt well so im getting very anxious which is making things worse. can these symptoms be to do with earwax building up as ive had problems with it before but ive never felt this bad. am i going to die? im so scared. anyone else had this before? im so anxious.

please reply asap
love louise xxxx

20-05-14, 00:21
That doesn't always happen to me when I get a cold, but it definitely has. The drainage in your ear gets blocked up (your ears collect fluid and sometimes this fluid also exits your ears [drainage]). It can make your jaw hurt too.

20-05-14, 07:43
Yes, post nasal drip/sinus can cause all these problems. If your temperature stays up then maybe go to GP... All usual stuff that can happen after a cold :)

20-05-14, 14:31
Hi there. Today i still hav a slight fever but not as bad as last night. I hav a very sore throat which is worst when swallowing and my ear also hurts when swollowing. Im very scared as i also feel dizzy? Anyone have these symptoms? Could it be serious? Im getting very anxious.

Please reply
Love louise xx xx

20-05-14, 15:22
The fever is your body fighting off the cold/virus. Sometimes when things get clogged, they can get infected. Your body is doing it's job by having a fever. Also, a doctor told me that dizziness is because of the buildup in your ears. It can off-set your balance. Maybe a doctor could give you antibiotics, but if it's a virus you just have to wait it out as antibiotics won't help.

Try gargling with warm salt water to help your throat, ibuprofen for fever and pain, and get lots of fluids and rest.


21-05-14, 21:31
Hey i'm feeling a lot better now and fever and dizziness has gone. I still hav a sore throat and im now terrified i have throat cancer. Is it possible it could be throat cancer? Can sore throats hang around for a while?

Please reply
Love louise x

21-05-14, 21:33
I would guess it can just hang around for a while. Your throat can get really raw from postnasal drip, coughing, etc. Try some tea or gargling warm salt water.