View Full Version : mild headaches twitching eye lid and ringing ears.

20-05-14, 05:53
Hi I have posted a few times after having a headache for 7 weeks. My remaining symptoms are mainly a mild headache after getting up on mainly right side of my head seems worse with walking around , tends to be the temple area/ top and occasionally switches sides. But now iv noticed iv woken up for two days if a row with a dull type of ringing in my ears and have a very twitcy eye lid aswell. Does any one have any advice. Could this all be the anxiety from the stress of thinking I have a brain tumor each day or does it sound serious. Iv been to the docs and opticians 4 times and they never seemed concerned. Thanks

20-05-14, 09:31
Hi there. I suffered from terrible headaches right sided, tinnitus (ringing in ears) and awful balance problems with nausea. So much so couldn't drive and was holding on things when walking. Plus facial twitching.

After treatment for ear infections/sinus issues then end result was that perhaps I was susceptible to these problems (post nasal drip) but also I was suffering from vertigo induced migraines. I now know when I'm getting a migraine and it will knock me out all days sometimes 2-3 days. I realised chocolate was a trigger for me. Also steaming my face with boiling hot bowl of water really helped lift the headache and sinus/ear pain.

The twitches are as a result of tired stressed senses/eyes so don't worry about them.