View Full Version : Food poisoning or appendicitis?

20-05-14, 08:53
I either have food poisoning or appendicitis?!

Two hours after eating my dinner last night I suddenly got bad stomach cramps followed by smelly loose BM. Cramps persisted over night but just managed to sleep. This morning I have more loose BM, cramps getting worse and nausea. The cramps are very much lower right sided and middle upper. I would say the that it is cramps rather than sharp pains but having moments of sharp pain.

I recognise the right sided pain from before. Had it off and on recently. Always have to get hot water bottle for it.

Anyone here experienced appendicitis?
Feeling pretty dreadful.. :(

Catherine S
20-05-14, 11:36
Hi Trueman

I had my appendix taken out some years ago but can still remember the pain..quite bad on right side, but was not accompanied by any sickness or going to the loo that i can recall...just the awful pains and it surprisingly came on quite quickly, sort of over one evening and into the next day. My hubby called the doc out who told me it was my appendix and arranged for me to go into hosp with it, where they decided to remove it later that day so it all happened quite quickly really. Whereas my mum had what they called a 'grumbling' appendix where she'd have bouts of it off and on for some years before it got bad enough to remove. I hadn't had any signs of it until that evening so it was quite sudden.

It may not be your appendix at all but why not call the surgery and explain your symptoms and see what they suggest?


Catherine S
20-05-14, 19:30
Trueman I see you are still online, so what has been the outcome from today, are you any nearer to knowing what's wrong?

20-05-14, 22:24
Hi thanks for asking. Well I still have right sided pain and cramps. No more loose BM. So either food poisoning or IBS? I don't know. I do know its very right sided. And that right sided pain may be fluctuating with regards to what I eat. So better. Still not right but better. Appreciate you checking in :) I tend to think grumbling appendicitis when I get it but maybe I need to just keep a food diary see..

---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ----------

Also thank you for responding. I was in a fair but if pain earlier! Fingers crossed back to normal tomorrow. Obviously nothing like you experienced. My rational head is kicking in again..

Catherine S
20-05-14, 22:32
Good you're feeling a little better anyway whatever the cause. Has IBS been suggested before? I know that as we get older our stomachs don't produce enough of the enzyme needed to properly cope with what we eat and so we get more issues with unsettled stomach and bowel. Its the reason Gaviscon is used liberally by old people lol! Don't rule out appendicitis as it could have been...not everybody gets the acute attack that I did, some get the periodic attacks of it. Might still be an idea to get a medical opinion sometime.

Take care :)

21-05-14, 08:24
Well I'm not feeling too good again. IBS has been mentioned before but on the whole not sure either way. Still this lower right sided pain, nausea and weird BM. Feeling of constipation and loose stools but nothing much happening. Now hot sweats. I think I will go to GP. I haven't been for a while (been good!). Go away whatever it is!