View Full Version : My two year old son = lymph node (or nodes)

20-05-14, 14:14
Long story short:

Last Feb we were out shopping, and my son fell asleep in the shopping cart. Because of how his neck was angled, we noticed a bump (assuming lymph node). I would estimate it was 1.5cm. My wife was very nervous. I was also, but I wasn't totally freaking out as I know enough to know that this is common in kids.

I took him to the Dr. The dr wasn't concerned, and noted that his sister had a virus, and he was prob fighting off something similar. Soon after he got a bad flu, which I assumed caused the node.
Fast forward two months. Again he falls asleep and we notice it. We give it a month to go away.

Now it is a month later, it is still there. It may be bigger than February. It isn't huge - it is similar to a marble. It does seem to move. I can feel it no matter how he is angled, but it is most prominent if his head is tilted. At that angle, you can see it.

Last week I made him an apt with the Dr. It is this Thu. Since then I have been checking his neck as much as he will let me. I am not poking it, just feeling where it is. I have been stressed, but not overly so as I think it is mobile.

Anyway, this AM I went to check it, and felt around. And I noticed another one on the other side... but lower. What scared me is that it is down towards his collar. Not in his collar, but just over around his throat.

Dr Google doesn't like collar nodes. I did feel it, but he wouldn't let me continue and got mad if I kept feeling. I would say this one is 1cm-1.5 also. This one has me freaked out.

Now I feel like I am always staring at his neck, and wanting to touch it.
I am very worried about this new node.

20-05-14, 14:42
Hey I have got exactly the same worry as you right now. My 2 year old has got many swollen nodes/glands that she has had for over a month maybe longer but thats when I noticed them. I have taken her to the doctors who said they are fine, mighg go down in the summer but they may not go down at all. I am so paranoid they are something more sinister. I'm not checking them much as I don't want her to pick up on my worry. I have been reading other posts on here and it is very common. Some kids have had them for years.
My lo has had one on the back of her head from birth. But its her neck and ear ones that bother me, especially since I went on Google and there is not one positive story.

20-05-14, 15:18
Sometimes, like MissAnxiety said, they don't go back down after getting a virus or cold. I also wonder if the new one you found was already there but maybe you just didn't notice it before. It might have come up with the virus that brought up the original node.

I have lots of nodes in my neck that are about 1-2 cm and palpable. They all swelled up when I was a kid and had a really bad bug. They thought it was mono but wasn't, just a bad flu. But either way, they never went fully back down and doctors always feel them and don't think anything of them.

Like you said, glands can come up all the time in children. Try not to feel them as much, as you don't want to scare your child. You have a doctor's appointment in a couple days, so you are doing everything you possibly can.

20-05-14, 18:57
Thanks for your kind words.
Yes, this am was not my proudest time. I scared my wife and son. I felt the node, which was lower neck (new node) and my face must have looked like I saw a ghost. In some cases a little knowledge is a bad thing, b/c Dr Google says collar bone nodes are bad..
Anyway, upon later research, I do see the new node is lower neck, not collar. Although it is low. Maybe it is tonsils? Anyway, I feel very stressed an unreal today. Funny how HA works. For 3 months I haven't worried that much. but now the apt is Thu, and I am freaking.

20-05-14, 19:06
Took my baby to the doctor when he was one with said lump. He is twelve now and it is still there! Try not to worry and try to leave it alone until Thursday as you have done the right thing. Kind thoughts.

21-05-14, 00:27
My son has two lumps behind each ear. Doctor has checked it several times and it's normal. On little ones it is easier to feel nodes. I also agree that sometimes they don't go back down. I used to annoy my son feeling them too. He is going to be 2 in June. Best thing to do is have the doc check it do you have peace of mind. I know it's hard when you are worried about your kids :hugs:

Worried 24/7
21-05-14, 03:12
My son has lots of them on his neck. He is two also. Been there a long time. I think he has more now but he's been sick a lot so I'm hoping they're just kind of permanently there n ow and it's nothing serious