View Full Version : 2 year old daughter bad dreams!!!

20-05-14, 15:26
My two-year-old is loved and well cared for by my husband, me and her siblings! She has not been abused or exposed to violence. So why does she have bad dreams? For some reason my daughter has had three nightmares in the past week!!She had slept with us the past 2 nights, if you have children you may know how hard it was to get them in there room in there bed, so this is a habit i don't want to start!!!:weep::shrug:

She wakes up so scared it scares me, she think something is crawling on her then she looks under the bed and keeps saying no, no, no!!
She cant tell me what she sees or anything!!:shrug:
Have anyone experienced this with there children???
My 5 and 3 year old never went through this so i'm very lost and confused!!!!

20-05-14, 16:09
It happened to me as a kid and my mum looked after me really well. Lots of kids get scared of monsters in the dark and stuff, do you read to her before she goes to bed? That might help distract her from it if its a nice story.

20-05-14, 16:13
She has no problem going to bed, its her waking up in the middle of the night, but yes i read a kid's version Bible to them at night!

20-05-14, 16:42
Aw, poor wee thing! Yes, I used to get nightmares as well, and my little girl did too! Well, guess what? My husband decided to make up a spray bottle of "monster spray", (plain water but if you have lavendar drops that'd be great!) When she would cry and come in, he would get up and go in her room and spray under her bed and in the closet and all, and tuck her back in with a reassuring cuddle. But you could get up with her and do that instead! It works! Monster spray makes 'em go away! xx

20-05-14, 16:50
Aw that's really nice! I'll ask my mum to pray for your daughter at the prayer meeting if you like? :) Round the world prayers!
Reading before bed can help kids who have nightmares. Anything can inspire what we dream about, giving them new stimuli can be a good way to distract their thoughts from nightmares, doesn't always work but it did for me.
Monster spray sounds awesome :D

20-05-14, 16:51
:D That sounds like a great idea!! Wow, i'm going to try that, your just great:hugs:

20-05-14, 17:00
I like Halfjack's idea too. There's the book, Goodnight Moon, which would be nice for a little girl her age, and I'm sure she'll have favorites that will put her little mind at ease for sleeping. And monster spray, who knew? :winks: Yeah, sometimes the men have good ideas too, hey?

20-05-14, 17:01
Nightmares are normal for children of this age, so it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong as a parent! Monster spray is great, dreamcatchers, etc.

20-05-14, 17:02
Well that prayer will be great, can never have to much of that!!!
thanks ladys:hugs:

20-05-14, 20:57
I want to echo that children do experience nightmares in their young lives. I remember having three nightmares in one night, that was horrible. Don't think that you're doing wrong, this is very normal :)

20-05-14, 21:19
Thank you, i needed to hear that!!!!!!

20-05-14, 21:25
My son used to have night terrors, he would just sit up in bed and scream and scream. I used to just sit by him and talk reassuringly to him. He grow out of it but then started sleepwalking!

20-05-14, 21:47
oh no, i couldnt deal with sleep walking, i hope things get better for us both

21-05-14, 15:51
I used to have night terrors. Mum put a cold flannel on my head and stayed with me to calm me down. Kids can get raised temperatures in the night.

21-05-14, 17:03
My sister had night terrors all throughout growing up. Once she was an adult she started taking a low dose beta blocker before bed and it has helped.

21-05-14, 17:06
My sister had night terrors all throughout growing up. Once she was an adult she started taking a low dose beta blocker before bed and it has helped.

Luckily my son had outgrown his by the time he reached age 12.