View Full Version : flare up

20-05-14, 15:56
been doing ok with my anxiety over catching sick bugs which is why i haven't posted for ages , but had a wobble today at work . Customer was late , turned up explaining they had been up with their ill daughter in the night . Daughter was with them and i had to test their car .i had a panic before I got in the car and in now worrying that I've been in it . The kid wasn't sick in the car to my knowledge , however in still in panic mode in now going to come down with something .

20-05-14, 20:51
Children tend to be sick for a lot more reasons than adults. Something like being anxious can make a child be sick, or being too excited, eating too much at once, being in pain, lots of reasons. I understand the worry but if there is no obvious reason why she was sick it is difficult. Try not to worry too much, keep your mind busy.

By the way I'd like to say that when I was a carer I had to clear up sick a lot of the time, I've never caught anything from doing that.

20-05-14, 22:23
cheers , the mum said the kid had a temperature fir a couple of days etc . Tbh the kid looked fine to me certainly not how id expect if it was a sick bug .
my youngest was sick recently due to a throat infection . But anxiety doesn't reason it just decided to flip me out . Ive spent the rest of the day feeling rubbish