View Full Version : CBT starts tomorrow...what to expect?

20-05-14, 17:35
I've bitten the bullet and am starting cbt. I can't keep riding this roller coaster! I'm nursing my son and I have watched this affect my milk supply. I need help so I called and made the appointment.

What can I expect? I'm a little nervous! I don't want to hear I'm crazy.

21-05-14, 09:40
Although I haven't had any cbt I would like to wish you luck for today and hope it goes well :)

21-05-14, 09:51
CBT combats your pattern of negative thinking.
It challenges the slippery slope of thoughts that lead you to your anxious state.

It's lots of talking, lots of someone asking you 'why' you feel and think this way.

For example that week i might have gone out shopping but came home early because i panicked about dropping dead in the middle of the street (this has happened many times haha)

So i get home and i feel safe and much better. But what is the thought process that lead me to the conclusion i was going to drop dead? and what can i do and think to change that process etc?

My therapist often set me challenges each week to push me out of my comfort zone - you have to confront your fears and put yourself in those situations which make you anxious to overcome them.

So go shopping again but this time don't run away - put yourself in that situation and 'ride the wave' so to speak?!

You certainly won't hear you're crazy! Good luck and i hope it helps you :flowers:

21-05-14, 10:26
Hey stressed32. I've had my fair share of CBT and have found it very helpful. The person you see will talk things out with you, your fears, why you fear them, and so on. They'll then have an action plan for you to basically re train the way your brain is thinking. They might set you small challenges as a kind of homework. It can be tough but definitely worth it.
Good luck x :)

21-05-14, 12:48
My only experience is with the course offered here. From an educational standpoint it's helpful as it explains the physiological reasons our bodies react the way they do. It also challenges you to adopt a different mindset in how you react to those stimuli. I found it helpful for some depression issues as well as some "scanxiety" issues I deal with at check-up time.

Expect to be challenged in the way you think and expect to have to work at it on a regular basis. If someone has physical issues, they go to physical therapy and learn exercises to strengthen them physically. Sometimes, they have to do them for the rest of their lives. CBT is similar in that some of the techniques may need to become part of your lifestyle in order for them to maintain their effectiveness.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
21-05-14, 13:56
I'm starting tomorrow, too!

21-05-14, 14:19
I'm excited and nervous! Excited because I am so ready to get back to my old self again. Nervous because I'm terrified of what we may get down to as to why I feel and think the way that I do. I'm going here in two hours! I see it as a great first step and pray to trod that it helps. I know this...it can't get much worse! My thinking patterns are affecting my family.

I am now finding and panicking over things that are not even there! Saturday we went on a family kayaking trip. I almost had a nervous breakdown and cried for 4 hours bc of a bump on my chest that isn't even there! I begged and begged my hubby to bring me to the ER. Thankfully, he said no and now that I'm over that moment, I see how silly my thinking was. I ruined the day...a day I should have really enjoyed w my family. I can't keep doing this to them or myself!

I think some of this stems from issues w my mother. I will let you all know how it goes. Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement!:)

21-05-14, 14:33
Good luck! Excited for you to start this process and hope it is enlightening.