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20-05-14, 18:55
I have come to the conclusion that I need to make changes about how I am as a person. I'm always thinking about 10 things at once and it's starting to make me edgy which for someone already with anxiety is not good , I'm already anxious prior to thinking. I can't go 5 mins without feeling the need to check my phone and I hate it because it's effecting my concentration , again not good. Since I gave up drinking it's like my behaviour has become impulsive as well as compulsive it's like I don't care because I think , 'it's just behaviour that isn't harming anybody' but is harming someone , me. Where can I begin to make positive changes because I don't know where to start as I tried this before but I ended up confused and probably even more worse , just my luck.

20-05-14, 20:34
If you could make that huge step to tackle your drinking than you can make further positive changes in your life, because you've shown that you can.

I would suggest looking at your physical lifestyle first. Are you eating enough of the good stuff, sleeping enough and properly, having time out for yourself to do things you like and time to relax? I found that making these changes helps you to feel more in control and does to some extent de-fog your mind.

20-05-14, 20:43
I find healthy eating really hard and expensive

20-05-14, 20:53
It doesn't have to be expensive, it's about planning. You don't need to eat a diet of a health guru, I still eat more sugar then I probably should but I've cut down massively nonetheless. Try to swap crisps and sweets for fruit, seeds, nuts or wraps. Instead of eating a sugary cereal consider bran flakes or muesli. Just make small changes at a time.

21-05-14, 00:38
I find healthy eating really hard and expensive

I've heard this before and I apologize up front but that's bull hockey! For the price of a burger and fries at a fast food joint you can but a 5lb bag of potatoes or a dozen eggs, a loaf of wheat bread and some fruit.

If you take what you spend on take out and junk food in a month, you can plan and organize healthy meals and snacks for two months.

I agree with Rennie, If you can give up alcohol, this is a walk in the park (and a walk in the park is actually a good thing to do on a daily basis) ;)

Positive thoughts

21-05-14, 00:54
It can be hard and expensive if your bad eating habit is processed food rather than junk food. Which is often my problem. It's cheaper and easier to buy a load of unhealthy frozen convenience food and snacks than it is to buy fresh food and cook meals.
It is possible to do on a small budget though, it just yeah, it involves planning and you need to find meals you like! And don't be afraid to have fat or sugar in your diet - just don't have too much of it.

If your mind is racing try taking a few deep breaths and writing a list? I find that organises my mind a bit :)

21-05-14, 03:21
It's cheaper and easier to buy a load of unhealthy frozen convenience food and snacks than it is to buy fresh food and cook meals.

I have to argue this statement.

For example:
The average cost for a burger, fries and drink at a fast food place is easily 6 dollars. If you eat a fast food meal 3 times a day, you spend $18 dollars or more a day on fast food, and that doesn't include snacks and such. If you really add it up, even conservatively at $15 dollars a day of purchasing fast food, frozen dinners, chips etc, you'll spend $105 a week. Let me take you to the grocery store and show you what $105 can buy!

My fiance' and I bought some chicken leg quarters (four HUGE pieces) for $7 (that's $1.75ea) a cucumber for $.59, and used 3 small red potatoes. We cooked two leg quarters ($3.50), a cucumber ($.59) and 3 red potatoes, cut up, seasoned and baked. The entire meal for TWO cost less than $5 and took less than 40 minutes to prep and prepare and it tasted WAY better and was WAY better for us than a Big Mac, fries and a coke!

Positive thoughts

21-05-14, 04:10
A very tasty example of good food on a budget! Will have to try that :D

Frozen food and convenience food means stuff you buy from the supermarket, like ready meals and frozen pizza :) Which can be as cheap as 80p a meal. They are much cheaper than fast food but not much healthier.
Biscuits and crisps are much cheaper than fruit too and they don't perish.

Prices of food in the UK differ from America but fast food is definitely more expensive here. Here a burger and fries would be equivalent to about $10.

21-05-14, 04:47
A very tasty example of good food on a budget! Will have to try that :D

Frozen food and convenience food means stuff you buy from the supermarket, like ready meals and frozen pizza :) Which can be as cheap as 80p a meal. They are much cheaper than fast food but not much healthier.
Biscuits and crisps are much cheaper than fruit too and they don't perish.

Prices of food in the UK differ from America but fast food is definitely more expensive here. Here a burger and fries would be equivalent to about $10.

Dang HJ.... If I had to rely on eating fast food in the UK, I'd be broke! ~lol~
We buy fresh fruit, cut it up and freeze it. We make a fruit smoothie every morning for breakfast and I add whey protein and other supps to mine to help with my recovery. You're right that one can live on frozen pizza and meals depending on the brand and sale going on but it won't be good for you and probably make you feel like rubbish. In fact, all those frozen meals are so full of crap and sodium that I believe they'd survive a nuclear war along with the cockroaches ;)

Positive thoughts

21-05-14, 05:12
Haha, a feast fit for cockroaches!

Oh I never thought of freezing the fruit to use in smoothies! Thats a great idea! I feel silly now because I buy frozen berries to use in smoothies but I never thought of freezing fruit I needed to save :doh:

21-05-14, 08:18
I've tried making smoothies but it's expensive lol

21-05-14, 08:50
You can buy all you need for a weeks worth for under £5.
Apples = £1
Pears = £1
Bananas = £1
Orange juice = £1
Lemons = £1
Add ice and you can't loose!

21-05-14, 12:35
You can buy all you need for a weeks worth for under £5.
Apples = £1
Pears = £1
Bananas = £1
Orange juice = £1
Lemons = £1
Add ice and you can't loose!

Well there ya go... no excuse except another excuse! Adding a small amount of 1% or non fat milk to your smoothing makes it creamier. ;)

Positive thoughts