View Full Version : Been fine all day but then........

Mr Mannering
20-05-14, 19:24
Driving home in my car I had a very sharp stinging type pain just below the sternum(breast bone) it went and came back but switched on my anxiety button. I thought it was the onset of a heart attack... at the wheel too of all places. I couldn't wait to get back home. I haven't felt right since around the chest area but I think thats just anxiety, well hopefully. It's very difficult to judge whether your having or had a heart attack if you never had one.... Like I always say One day if I ever get in control of this anxiety I probably will be having a heart attack but just put it down to being anxious and die....

For some reason although I'm in my mid thirties anxiety makes me feel so so much older.

How morbid!

20-05-14, 19:52
How do you feel now?

20-05-14, 21:52
Hope your feeling better