View Full Version : sharp eye pain

20-05-14, 22:01
around 7ish I got a sharp stabbing eye pain at the top of my eye which last for around 5 minutes! it was so weird, it just came on randomly.
It hasn't happened again, but is this okay? or normal? I mean I had a headache yesterday, but today my heads been fine.

20-05-14, 22:03
Did you have any flashes of light or any visual disturbance?

20-05-14, 22:12
Erm no, but I do feel dizzy, or perhaps it's my eyes making me feel as though I am dizzy.

What would flashing lights indicate?

20-05-14, 22:15
The time I had something like this happen was when I had a sinus infection flaring up

20-05-14, 22:25
I'm shortsighted,and the optician said that could make me more susceptible to a detached retina. I was told that a sharp pain,if accompanied with lots of light flashes should be checked out.
It doesn't sound as though that's what's happened to you though,so don't be alarmed.
Its probably a muscle or something.
If it happens again though,I'd get it checked.

20-05-14, 22:34
I got my eyes checked out about 9 months ago when I was having pressure headaches for around 3 months. Either due to sinus or anxiety who knows? probably anxiety but it went eventually.

20-05-14, 23:20
Sounds like a sinus infection (although that's from my experience, the closest thing I am to a doctor is playing operation with my son).

My sinus infections and anxiety are great friends unfortunately :-( It should pass within a week, I always book my doctors a week in advance so just to make sure my symptoms are sticking around..........otherwise I'd be there everyday.

Positive thoughts



06-09-20, 03:35
Did you ever find out what your eye pain was !