View Full Version : look at how evil Google is...

Worried 24/7
21-05-14, 03:08
The top picture is the Google search result and the bottom picture is the ACTUAL text

21-05-14, 04:34
More reason to get away from google!

Worried 24/7
21-05-14, 12:09
Right? I wish I never would have started googling!

21-05-14, 14:18
I've had things like that happen before ... where I've googled and the way they cut it up makes it look like "Nose bleed ... usually cancer" and then I click it and it really says something like "nose bleeds are never usually cancer" ... lol thanks a lot, google!

21-05-14, 14:23
I can't look because I'm scared...I will then start looking at this on my own body...but I wanted to affirm what you are saying in that yes, google is. Mother f****er!

Have you guys read the first sticky here titled I have Health anxiety, I'm going to die? If not, you need to! Worried 24/7, I bet those words will sound a lot like how you feel. I know this, I could have written it myself! For some reason, I printed it off, put it on my fridge, read it every time panic sets in and it makes me feel better. I don't know why...maybe knowing my feelings are the same of someone else and not some instinct or sign!

Stay away from google! I haven't googled in a week! I hate that damn website! I would love to know how the rates of HA went up w the use of the internet versus how they were before the internet?