View Full Version : Triggers

Mr Mannering
21-05-14, 09:15
yesterday i posted about a sudden stinging type pain at the bottom of my sternum whilst driving home. It came twice and I felt the adreneline run through my body and thought please not a heart attack while driving. However of course it was probably stomach related but the nonetheless enough to make me feel uneasy. Now this I beleive was the trigger of things to come.

I went to bed about 23:45 and woke at 03:20 to a trembling mess buzzing all over, smelling burning, panicky type feeling, felt a bit breathless and of course this morning I feel soooooooo tired. Middle of the night attacks are soul destroying, well they all are to be fair. I'm convinced that the pain on the drive home had me thinking all evening about my chest, my mind focused on it. I always feel weak when i focus too much and this then makes me question my heart etc.