View Full Version : heart rate

Mr Mannering
21-05-14, 09:26
I would like to know if anyone worries about how slow there heart is. I read lots of posts regarding thumping hearts and beating really hard but does anyone worry about the opposite?

I'm overweight play sports twice a week but am 5ft 10 and weigh just shy of 17stone I'm a fairly broad guy anyway but overweight nontheless.

My what I call normal heart rate i.e sat at work or at home pondering about just generally I record a heart rate of around 55bpm sometimes 52bpm... However friends of mine at the same time measure theres to be around 72-75bpm... people tell me what you worrie about thats a very efficient heart.... However I'm no Mo Farah!!! :)

I was going to mention it to my doctor but haven't as of yet. My blood pressure is always normal.

When i get very anxious or have a bit of an anxiety attack as I suffer from HA my heart never really goes in overdrive mode, it gets quicker for sure but not majorly.

Obviously I think to myself ... even my heart can't be bothered, or maybe it's just going to say " that'll do I'm bearly moving anyway" and quite on me.

21-05-14, 09:56
I got this info from the NHS website
"Most adults have a resting heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm).
The fitter you are, the lower your resting heart rate is likely to be. For example, athletes may have a resting heart rate of 40-60 bpm or lower.
You should contact your GP if you think your heart rate is continuously above 120 bpm or below 40 bpm, although this could just be normal for you."
I guess yours being in the 50's just means you have a fit healthy heart :)

Mr Mannering
21-05-14, 10:05
wow that info is good to know for sure. Thanks for replying

21-05-14, 10:08