View Full Version : What do I do?

04-08-04, 11:24
Hi everyone,

as some of you know I have a big thing about hospitals and operations which was the point at which my panics started.

Well my Dad, his brother and my Grandad all died from bowel cancer. So 4 years ago I saw the specialist to talk over the risks of me getting it. Well he said to have a colonoscopy[sorry spelling] when I reached 46.

So to cut a long story short this morning the appointment [not until March next year] came in the post along with the drinks you mix up and take to empty the bowel [Ugh]. I've read through all the instructions and information and although they don't knock you out completely you are given lots of pethidine [sp] to make you dopey as it is uncomfortable [double [Ugh]]. the long and short of it is I don't want to have the thing as I'm scared I'll at best be a nervous nana and at worst have a full blown PA. I don't suppose I have to have it but what if later they find cancer and I could have found it earlier???

What would anyone do if they were me and has anyone out there had this done??

Love Tess x

Caz Fab Pants
04-08-04, 15:26

Stop worrying right now honey, that's an order! :D

My partner and my dad have both just had this done and both found it a breeze. My dad had the one where they go right up as far as your stomach (i think) and my partner had the one that goes in about 12" or so.

Neither of them had any sedation but both had that stuff that clears you out before hand and then air pumped in them so the doc's could have a good look at the bowel wall with the little camera.

I have also had the same thing done a few years back and apart from feeling a bit silly (its not the nicest position for anyone to see you in), I was fine.

It doesn't take long and will give you lots of entertainment on the way home as you get rid of the air they put in, LOL [:I]

Caroline :)

04-08-04, 17:17
You have loads of options

a) go
b) go but ring pre date and warn them of possible P and ask for a touch of diazemuls
c) get a Faecal Occult Blood test done at GP's - a reasonable indication.
d) if you haven't had any bowel habit alteration and a neg FOB unlikely to have any ca. so put it off .

My preferred choice :

E) March 05 is a way off and you will have been panic free for months then and it will not even be an issue as you know how to cope so well now so go and sail through and be reassured .


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

04-08-04, 18:09
thanks for replying guys. Meg, as ever words of wisdom. Not sure what I'll do yet but looks like I have plenty of options. Next time I see my GP I will talk about it with him. Both my brothers have had it done but that wasn't on the NHS.

Caroline, thanks for that I'm just such a coward although I don't think I always was it has really been since losing my parents that I've been like this.

love Tessx

04-08-04, 20:53

im sorry ur dad, bro and granda dies of bowel cancer, my nan did aswell. but she died in 1989 just a month before i was born but now technology has inproved so if u did get it (which i dout as ur 3 family members were male, theres a pattern) u will get cured asap.

if u do get worried (but dont!!!) then go to the bupa website:

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

05-08-04, 20:20
Hiya Tess

Sorry you're feeling a bit pants due to your forthcoming appointment. I'm sure I would feel exactly the same as you but the thing to bear in mind here is that its not a very nice thing for a non-panic person to deal with so your fears are probably just the same as anyone else's in the same situation. March is indeed a long way off and so try not get too worried by it for now. Why not hang on to the appointment, discuss with your doc and then decide a bit later. If nothing else, remind yourself that you don't have to go through with it, its a case of weighing up the pros and cons I suppose. Personally, I think you'll get through it absolutely fine and as ever, its the thought of these things that's often worse than the actuality of the event.

Take care, lots of love Jo xxx

05-08-04, 21:59
Hiya guys,

yes I think I will hang on to the appointment for now as it is a long way off. You are right Jo most 'normal' people would be in dread of it so it's hardly surprising that it has spooked me!

Hope everyone is okay,
love Tessxx

06-08-04, 13:30
Hi Tess

You have had some great advice there. I would do what you said and hang on to the appointment. It is a long way off from now and the progress you have made recently, you will miles ahead of yourself by then.

Even Normal!!! people would be nervous. Any kind of investigatory operation or operation is never racking. Better to have it checked out and they can give you a pre med if you are really anxious about it.

Plenty of time to decide but dont worry about it.

Good to hear from you.

Take care.

Lots of love Sal xxxxxx