View Full Version : Ugh sick :(

09-12-06, 20:28
All week I've felt sick; but usually just when I'm at college so I thought it was anxiety to do with college.
But today at work I suddenly started feeling sick.
It's horrible and I have a really bad phobia of vomiting.
Now I'm thinking it might be psychological as I don't actually feel sick but I keep thinking I can feel myself about to heave and it feels like my throat; sort of in my chest area feels "full" I don't know how to describe it.
But it's horrible; how do I make it go away? :(

09-12-06, 20:35
I;ve had ths a lot and it is definitely anxiety related. The feeling itself makes you feel more anxious and so the feeling gets worse! I found deep breathing and listening to some really chilled out music helpful. I sympathise with you!

09-12-06, 20:49

Glad to know someone knows how I feel.
I know I don't properly feel sick because when I do I shake.
It's like my stomach can actually be hungry but my throat area feels like retching.

09-12-06, 20:52
I also have the phobia of being sick so I limit what I eat and drink. When I'm really hungry, I feel like retching, like you said. It's just the way the body reacts if you dont feed it. I know the feeling you're describing EXACTLY! You're not on your own

09-12-06, 20:57
I feel it right now.
It is driving me absolutely crazy!
Don't feel exactly sick; just uncomfortable and worried.

09-12-06, 20:58
Have you eaten? Is it just that your stomache is empty?

09-12-06, 21:07
I've eaten quite a lot lmao but not enough to make me feel sick.

The feeling has gone now I'm concentrating on looking for pictures of my old house haha.