View Full Version : Can someone Explain panic disorder and agoraphobia

little kyle
21-05-14, 10:23
I want to vent again yes again. I have been told i have panic disorder and agoraphobia.

I explained to the CBT women how i have been feeling and that im having 12-5 panic attacks a day and when each panic attack has settled down i am left with the constant aftermath of the panic where i don't feel right by that i mean always on edge and alert to the most smallest details and sounds..

I don't even have the full picture of what panic disorder is let alone what the hell is agoraphobia....

I know im not alone i just feel alone.. Even intrusive thoughts are making it worse on/for me

i have also noticed when im starting to have a panic attack my face and body feel/are hot

Please some one help me

explain to me what i am feeling in detail and what is panic disorder and agoraphobia :'(

21-05-14, 10:30
If you look at the list of links at the side of this page you will see Agoraphobia listed under phobias and Panic attacks under Problems/issues.

little kyle
21-05-14, 10:32
Thank you

21-05-14, 21:30
Hi there.... tell me, what actually happens when you have these panic attacks? how do you really feel? and as for agoraphobia, I have had all this, but let me know how you actually feel and deal with it, then I can come back to about it:))
basically if you are really agoraphobia then people get scared to even go out of the front door and when they are in places with loads of people they just feel as though they can't cope being there as though they are going insane and want to run back to a safe zone for eg: your own home... I use to be like this, but if you are having panics at home, then my CBT lady told me, if they are going to happen at home, then you might as well go out as either way you are going to have them... anyway let me know

little kyle
22-05-14, 15:40
I start sweating
Heart races
Feel very spacey
And just wanna get home or have my mum with me

23-05-14, 10:31
Hi Kyle. I experience all of this too. I had a really bad panic attack this year when I went out alone. Heart thumping, hands shaking, etc. I was like it all day and i've never been that bad before. I only ever feel safe when I'm indoors. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it so I have to cope alone. It's so isolating and so difficult. I'm so used to coping alone, but it's becoming more difficult lately.. I wanted you to know you're not alone x

23-05-14, 12:59
You are definitely not alone kyle. Reading the info on the sidebar of this page really helped me...

little kyle
25-05-14, 02:34
Thank you to everyone for the reply's