View Full Version : 10mg se?

21-05-14, 13:54
This dose is really starting to kick my pants now. Restless leg abdominal cramps really low mood so desperate to get away from my head. Sitting at my desk a complete basket case. Jist back after 2 days off with flu. May emd up taking some diaz at this rate. Just had 2 co codamol half n hour ago. Please god let me get better

Peace and serenity, Paul

21-05-14, 14:42
Stick at it Paul.... the flu will be making things a little worse for you at the moment...... hang in there


21-05-14, 18:33
I know how you feel Paul..I am at 10mg for about 2 weeks or so..I guess we are pretty sensitive to meds..But, as a word of encouragement, I do have moments that I feel improvement..I have actually left my house, sometimes I only feel better for a few hours and then the next day feel really bad, but before I did not have any good hours...So, please hang in there and I will do the same. we will support each other...:yesyes: debbie

21-05-14, 19:33
Been on 10mgs for five weeks now and just starting to feel the benefits. I took ages to start taking them,worried about side effects etc and on 20mgs I was terrible felt like I had the flu etc. So cut down to 5mgs for two weeks then up to ten mgs . And no side effects at all.
Keep going it will make you see a brighter future

21-05-14, 22:25
Sarah, Debbie and cartwheels, thank you so much for your support:hugs: