View Full Version : Why does a mood do this

21-05-14, 14:32
I was just feeling good singing out loud , as you do , then all of a sudden my mood dropped and I thought , 'what's the point'. I get this most day's of the week so I am not new to this but I just wanted to know why this would happen to someone , I ain't got a clue , it would also be nice to know if I can prevent this from happening. I doubt I can as it happens quiet often during the week it's like it's become a part of who I am but that doesn't mean it's any easier to handle , far from it. I could be doing anything when this happens and I'll just give up what I was doing

21-05-14, 14:51
have you seen a therapist? They could give you insight into why this happens and tips to get around it.

21-05-14, 15:16
I have this happen too. I will feel really great and then have an abrupt mood swing. I think it's because we aren't used to feeling good and a part of us is skeptical that we CAN be happy.

When these things happen to me, I try to take a minute to take a deep breath and try to listen to the part that is skeptical or sad. Why is is sad, why is it skeptical,etc. Then I remind myself that I was just happy so I CAN do it. It's like retraining your brain and reminding that part that is sad that it doesn't always have to be that way.

That's what works for me at least.

21-05-14, 15:52
Yes I've had therapy and counselling but neither seemed to work. I gave both a try but it felt like they where trying to dig up a past I never had which made me worse because it felt like they weren't really listening to me , true or not I don't know , but seriously they kept referring to my past and kept asking if I've had a bad past. Which I never I grew up with a loving family but they seemed keen to not believe that someone sometimes can just be depressed regardless of an upbringing which is why I don't fully like CBT

21-05-14, 15:53
I'm on mirtazapine for mood swings that you mentioned above and I'm still struggling with them. I wish I knew why.

21-05-14, 15:56
Yes I've had therapy and counselling but neither seemed to work. I gave both a try but it felt like they where trying to dig up a past I never had which made me worse because it felt like they weren't really listening to me , true or not I don't know , but seriously they kept referring to my past and kept asking if I've had a bad past. Which I never I grew up with a loving family but they seemed keen to not believe that someone sometimes can just be depressed regardless of an upbringing which is why I don't fully like CBT

But you did have a painful past didn't you. Did you not say you were bullied ?

21-05-14, 16:02
Yes I was bullied but I deal with that. When I'm in a mood swing I don't think of the bullies or about being bullied I'm sorry I just don't see the link , unless I'm blind. If I'm doing washing up or watching a film then I suddenly think 'what's the point' that comes with a low mood I just don't see how that's linked to bullying ? Or even past trauma. When my dad was seeing his therapist he had the same thing with the moods , my mum has it and my brothers. All of us has been and some of us are still on AD's

21-05-14, 16:12
I agree with swgrl09 in what she says about doubting our happiness when we feel it. I know I do that, which is why I get the mood swings. The more you think and anticipate them, the more they'll come . I know its hard not to, but I just don't worry about them and do something else that makes me feel accomplished or useful. Also exercise helps. Another thing with anxiety is that an adrenaline rush can make you feel suddenly happy before you feel really anxious or low, so that could be happening too. I get the same thing though and they always pass and don't turn into anything major so I don't worry about them.

21-05-14, 16:19
But I don't anticipate them ?

21-05-14, 16:19
Yes I was bullied but I deal with that. When I'm in a mood swing I don't think of the bullies or about being bullied I'm sorry I just don't see the link , unless I'm blind. If I'm doing washing up or watching a film then I suddenly think 'what's the point' that comes with a low mood I just don't see how that's linked to bullying ? Or even past trauma. When my dad was seeing his therapist he had the same thing with the moods , my mum has it and my brothers. All of us has been and some of us are still on AD's

I never said it had anything to do with your mood swings. I was referring to you saying the therapists you've seen asked you if there'd been any pain in your past. You said it annoyed you because it hadn't but that's what they always asked. But you HAVE had painful events in your past, bullying.

21-05-14, 18:55
But I don't anticipate them ?

Not on a conscious level, no, but the fact that you're posting here means that they bother you, so if you think/worry about something, it will make it worse or more noticeable. Of course it's impossible to say don't think about this or don't worry about this, but if you just try to be okay with it more than think 'why is this happening' it might make them easier to cope with or they might come less. Of you really aren't worried about them or thinking about it though, I guess it could just be an adrenaline surge.

21-05-14, 20:05
I agree to some extent with what Lyn says, if you give something attention then you will notice it more. I remember my mum buying a Mini and all of a sudden all I saw on the roads were Mini's. Same if I have a niggling pain, the more I think about it the more I'll notice it, if I consciously try to stop thinking about it then I won't notice it.

But I understand with mood swings that once they hit it can be really difficult to not think about them. I felt angry earlier, completely out of the blue, but by thinking about it I told my husband to leave me be for an hour whilst I did some writing and listened to music, only because I did not want to snap at him. If I had not done that I would have sat on the couch with my arms crossed with a face like I bit into a sour lemon and snapping at every little thing he'd had done.

So yes, try not to think too much about it otherwise you'll question every single emotion you experience which can do more harm then good, but be conscious of when a mood swing hits.

21-05-14, 21:52
I'm starting to think we don't want to get better as we spend so much time on here lol