View Full Version : Scared.

21-05-14, 15:06
I'm obsessed with depression, I'm terrified of it. (And Bi Polar)

I sit about 5 times a day and do depression quizzes, which always come back, no.

Only now when I'm happy I wonder why, if I go from happy to sad I think it must be Bi Polar, iv read the sentence 'do you feel like crying for now reason?' So many times over the past few days, that today iv convinced myself I want to go home and just cry.

Wtf is wrong with me! I'm scared being scared of depression, is going to give me depression. M scared kids will have a shit mum, who wants to sit and cry all day.
I'm scared I'm going to want to kill myself. I'm scared of every mental health issue out there, and I'm scared of the drugs to make it all 'better' :weep:

22-05-14, 07:07

22-05-14, 07:23
Hey buddy! I'll answer ya!

One of my closest friend's mom is Bipolar, and he told me that anybody who "thinks they're bipolar. Isn't bipolar.". Being truly bipolar is extreme, when it manifests someone experiencing it will be extremely active, unable to sleep for days. The will have many projects they'll start and be super into, but never finish. Then it will be followed by them being in bed for days. With zero interest or energy to do anything. Bipolar is very awful in terms of mental illnesses. I think you'd know if you had it.

Killing yourself isn't the answer to your anxiety illness. Take it from a lot of us on here, you can ... no... you WILL find ways to deal with it. Always remember that suicide is a pointless and permanent solution to a temporary problem. I truly believe suicide should be used when you are truly helpless. And you and many others with your issue are FAR.. FAR from that.

I'm always up for taking someone under my wing so to speak if you wanna pm. It will take more than simple reassurance to help you, but it's a start!

22-05-14, 07:38
It sounds more like an obsession to me than depression though I am no expert. I know that we are all obsessed with our health here and terrified of it ... it seems your focus is just on a different thing but it's still an obsessive thought rather than a depressive one?

22-05-14, 11:43
Yes! That's exactly what it is. It's an obsessive thought, I woke up this morning and cried, for the first time ever. It lasted all of about 2 minutes then I carried on my day.
Do any of you take St Johns Wort for this?

22-05-14, 13:08
My ex wife has depression and I dated a gal who was bi-polar. Yeah, if you're bi-polar, you don't recognize what's going on. I didn't catch on to the bi-polar behavior until we spent a couple of weeks together and it was then I saw the extreme shifts in energy and moods. It was like there were two different people. I came to find out later that she was treated for it and decided to stop taking the meds. Needless to say, the relationship didn't last ~whew~

Positive thoughts

22-05-14, 13:16
Bipolar is very extreme, and more frequently you will see somebody have a manic state, not just depressive. If they were to have one state show only, it would mostly be manic.

To me it sounds like you are anxious about mental illnesses, but not necessarily depressed. It's like health anxiety about mental illnesses. So I guess try to just accept that it is normal to have a certain amount of emotion in your life and that is what makes life worth living, honestly! Otherwise it would be so boring... :)

22-05-14, 15:07
Love you all! So glad I joined this forum :)

22-05-14, 16:03
I've spent the past year working in a psychiatric unit of a hospital, so have seen a lot of bipolar ;)