View Full Version : Pancreas Blood Test

21-05-14, 17:14
I have had abdominal pains for weeks now. I thought it was venlafaxine withdrawal but today my GP has ruled this out. I had standard blood and liver function tests last week which were all normal.

I continued having persistent moderate epigastric pain in upper left abdominal quadrant and stabbing pains in lower left abdomen. Today my GP said the pain was in the pancreatic area and sent me for blood tests (amylase etc.) and a further sonogram. I can rationally describe the pain as fairly moderate and mainly after eating. It doesn't keep me up at night. I also have nausea. The abdomen is not sensitive to touch/pressing.

I am trying to not let the whole HA thing get out of control but obvious worst case scenarios are starting in my head. I can tell the panic is going to escalate over the weekend before I get my results on Monday.

I could tell my GP was reluctant to tell me what the new tests were for. When I asked what he thought the problem was he did say 'honestly, nothing' but I always think they are trying to shield me from the health anxiety because its on my file. I've been for that many tests over the last year that I am sure they think all the pain is psychological. It definitely isn't.

I had an abdominal sonogram and pancreas blood tests in August last year which were all normal. Can pancreatic cancer develop over just 9 months and be easily missed by a sonogram? If the test results are bad I am seriously concerned about the nightmare waiting period for the sonogram.