View Full Version : Old member new name

21-05-14, 18:13
I found this site years ago when i first started having panic attacks and found it very helpful.

I’ve been almost fine for 5 years and now its all come back with a vengeance so i decided to pop back here but couldn’t remember user name and I’ve change email since then so I’ve created a new account.

Right lots of forum posts to read, wish me luck :)

Catherine S
21-05-14, 18:15
Welcome back but sorry you're having a blip at the moment and hope it doesn't last too long before you feel better again :)

I Still Believe x

21-05-14, 18:18
Sorry too see you back if you see what I mean :winks: but hoping being back will help you take control and want be here long and if you are here for a while I hope Its only to support
Did that make any sense :blush:,

Catherine S
21-05-14, 18:20
Lol Alexandria...it kind of did! :D

21-05-14, 18:28
We ask that you do not make duplicate accounts..... please could you private message me your old email address that you would have originally have signed up with and I can hunt down your old account for you and merge them together.

Many Thanks

21-05-14, 18:29
Yep Alexandria i got what you ment lol

Thanks for the welcome back :D

21-05-14, 18:31
Don't you hate it when you make a post and then when you read it back it sounds rubbish LOL u are very welcome hope
your coping and that your merge doesn't hurt tooooo much

21-05-14, 18:31
Im sorry venusbluejeans i dont even have details of my old email account , everything has been changed in the last 5 years.

21-05-14, 20:30
Thats ok.... we may be able to work out who you were before without those details

thanks anyway

21-05-14, 20:52
Hey welcome back :)