View Full Version : Fell off the blood pressure wagon

21-05-14, 20:38
I have posted about this before...many times unfortunately. I suffer from white coat syndrome and obsess over my bp. I used to take it several days a week several times at a sitting until I get the "right" number which for me is anything under 115/75. Well, I have been doing much better over the last few years but today I had a follow up at the docs for a surgery I had and my bp was 149/81. I didn't like this of course even though I knew it was anxiety so I decided to check at my pharmacy after the appt. There I got two 121/81s so still didn't like that so I bought a home machine and checked it probably thirty times (all readings in the low 120s/80s for the most part and nothing above 126/88). I finally got a 108/79 and stopped. I am still feeling anxious though like something is wrong with my bp and I need to worry and check again. It is even crazier because right after my surgery in the recovery my bp was around 115/59. I know I don't have high bp but I just want that perfect number all the time which I know is unrealistic...I am 40 years old by the way. My average bp runs 115/75 so I don't know why this is even on my radar.

What do you guys think?

21-05-14, 20:43
I think you should throw your bp monitor away...checking it constantly is only making you more anxious and it is fine. Our bp fluctuates many times throughout the day so you can never expect it to stay at your ideal number.

21-05-14, 20:59
Was your Dr happy with it today?

21-05-14, 21:31
Throw it in the bin. It will not help your HA one bit.

Catherine S
21-05-14, 22:09
Ok, before I continue I have to ask if that pic of Dex is really Dex cos if it is he has absolutely nothing to be anxious about! :D

But on the subject of BP, it naturally increases with age too, for example, I wouldn't expect to have the same BP as my youngest daughter in her 20s. I was at the docs yesterday for a routine blood test and my BP was 140 over 83 (i'm now 60) and he said that was fine, so your BP is really good for a 40yr old to be honest. You do have a problem though if you take it as often as you say and strive to bring it down to such a low reading.

21-05-14, 22:13
My BP has been low all day but it went up when I saw the picture of Dex :D

Catherine S
21-05-14, 22:18

22-05-14, 00:12
Lol, you guys make me laugh...poor Dex.

I have thrown away the monitor so I know I can't have that in the house. That is part of the problem thought I bought it for the purpose of checking and just blew that money....so crazy. At least I donated it to Goodwill hopefully they can use it. My doc wasn't concerned about my BP he just laughed because I said look at my BP, I am nervous because of the post surgery exam I was going to have to have. Thanks for all your sharing, it helps to hear your BP numbers and experiences. I didn't check today and I am feeling a little bit less anxious. I just know that I have to tough it out and not check or it is just going to create a bigger issue and a vicious cycle. I just keep telling myself "you don't have high blood pressure you have anxiety" "your numbers were fine in fact low normal for your age" The repetition seems to be helping to calm me down.

Thanks guys,

22-05-14, 09:10
That is good news Ivy :)