View Full Version : Can anxiety effect your speech

21-05-14, 20:55
So I think the doctor is missing things my speech is a bit slurred , keep forgetting words I mean to say or saying the wrong one I'm starting to panic
But I been scooter twice this week and I'm trying really hard not to go back until my review in two weeks!! Is this an anxiety thing? Doctor I went to see and ask also getting head aches and bad neck ache said I need to stop coming in as much and neee help so put my dose up!

So basically is
The speech thing anxiety!?? Should I run with fear to my doctor ???

Need some reassurance to help kick anxietys butt!

21-05-14, 21:32
Anxiety and stress can cause you to mix-up, forget, or stumble about words. When I am really anxious, I can never get out what I am trying to say.

21-05-14, 21:32
Unfortunately Little Miss, reassurance does not kick anxiety's butt. It may quell a fear for a short time but it always returns or moves onto something else :( This is demonstrated time and time again on the boards.

A medical professional is attributing this to anxiety and speech can be affected by anxiety and stress.

Your best bet is to continue to take your meds and perhaps seek some therapy, counseling or CBT to help you deal more effectively with your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

21-05-14, 21:46
Thank you. Xx