View Full Version : More money problems - or rather, what's on my money

21-05-14, 21:16
Hi guys,

I've been good recently but I've just encountered my fifth moment of panic of the day - this one potentially the biggest.

I just got some money from the cash point - a £10 note - this particular one had obvious blood lines across the top - it's clear it had been rolled up and used to snort drugs.

I've just finished reading a Wikipedia article which states how "literally thousands" of people could become infected unknowingly from contaminated currency

Desperate for some advice guys, feeling pretty low right now :(

21-05-14, 21:35
Ahhhh wish I didnt see this.... its going to take my fear of contamination to a new level.!!!

Sooo, as you tell from my reaction, I have a huge thing about contamination, no advise really, but just know your not alone!

22-05-14, 03:28
I've always been worried about identity theft from using my bank card so often - suddenly
I feel I'd rather deal with sorting that out than contaminated money. What exactly are you scared of being contaminated with (I can't bring myself to read the article)? HIV for use won't survive on cash.

22-05-14, 03:42
I think what they are suggesting is people who share the same bank note to snort with will get infected not people who just use the money.

Professor Graham Foster, of St Mary's Hospital, London, said: "Sharing banknotes or straws is a significant risk factor that people need to be more aware of. Although the risk of contracting hepatitis C through snorting is lower than through sharing a needle, it is still there."

Unless you're doing that I don't think you need to worry at all :)

22-05-14, 10:30
Sorry if this has panicked anyone else - really didn't mean to.

I'm scared of having caught Hep C. Granted I didn't put the £10 anywhere near my nose, but what about if I had touched the money then touched my nose? Or if I touched the money and then touched a cut on my finger?

22-05-14, 10:53
Unless you put it directly into a wound then I don't think there is any risk. Even then your chances would still be pretty good.

22-05-14, 11:07
According to what I have just looked up, the virus can survive for a minimum of 16 hours and a maximum of 4 days. So, if you look at the probabilities, you might get something like this:

* possibility of the substance on the note being blood - unknown - it could be a number of other things
* possibility of the substance on the note being infected blood - there are approximately 215,000 people in the UK carrying hepatitis C, but the population is 60 million - so that's about 0.003% if I've calculated it correctly
* possibility of the banknote still having active virus on it - unknown, but very low given the percentage of the population who are walking around with it

Therefore, I don't think it's worth worrying about, to be honest!

22-05-14, 11:14
That's quite reassuring blueangel, thank you

I'm just scared because the marks were in a pattern as though the note had been rolled up and then used, and given that Hepatitis is prevalent among drug users I was sent into panic mode :(

22-05-14, 12:52
Those of you with this fear just give it to me! I'll fill a swimming pool full of cash and dive right in, roll around in it and take a bath ;) That's a good dirty and worth the .00001% chance of catching something sinister ;)

Positive thoughts

22-05-14, 13:52
Would you recommend me for testing for Hep C/B? If so, when? All the information displayed online is confusing, my fear is that I could develop chronic Hep C when it's too late

22-05-14, 18:14
Talking of swimming pools fishman pa.... ive avoided going swimming for years amd years prob havent been in one since I was a kid....

Is it possible to catch anything from a swimming pool..? Like if someone has hiv or anything like that and they bleed without knowing and it goes into the water, then I go in is it possible to catch it??? Ive avoided pools for this reason for years???

22-05-14, 19:49
Talking of swimming pools fishman pa.... ive avoided going swimming for years amd years prob havent been in one since I was a kid....

Is it possible to catch anything from a swimming pool..? Like if someone has hiv or anything like that and they bleed without knowing and it goes into the water, then I go in is it possible to catch it??? Ive avoided pools for this reason for years???

There's enough chlorine in a pool to kill fish... do you think a bacteria or virus would survive? Now, swimming in lakes that are stagnant can pose a risk of a parasite or such but again, the chances are slim to none in reality. There's a greater chance of catching something from having sex but I don't know anyone that stopped doing the wild thang! ;)

Dang Bing... I can't imagine living with that kind of fear... swimming is fun! Nothing better than cooling off in the river on a hot summer day or dipping your feet in the ocean :)

Positive thoughts

22-05-14, 20:01
Ahhh see thats great reassurance fishy!!. ... im going on holiday in july so I can swim without the fear :)