View Full Version : Pitted Edema

21-05-14, 21:35
Last night I was watching TV and my foot (ankle bone) was resting on my leg for some time, and when I moved it there was a big dent there. I started pressing my finger on my leg and thumbprints appear and vanish after a bit. I am pretty sure this is edema, but I was wondering if there are other causes for this outside of the super scary stuff.... can being overweight or eating wrong foods cause this? I want to point out that I have to press really hard for the thumbprint to appear. My legs are not swollen or red or painful and this ONLY happens on the shin. I am over 50, but my BP is normal and my heart rate is normal. No shortness of breath. If anyone has had any experiences with this, please share. Thanks....

Catherine S
21-05-14, 22:37
So if your legs/ankles are not swollen, red or painful and you don't have breathing problems and your BP is normal and you have to press really hard on your shin...shin?...why would you think of oedema (UK spelling). I have swollen ankles sometimes and don't have either heart failure or oedema...do you have an oedema phobia?

22-05-14, 15:15
No. I went to get a pedicure and the woman asked me if my ankle was swollen. I told her, "No, just a fat ankle." One thing led to another... Actually, I think my legs and/or ankles are swollen at night. I decided to cut back on salt, increase my water intake, and get off the computer for hours on end and hopefully this will resolve on its own as I have no other symptoms. It also just started getting hot/humid here.

Catherine S
22-05-14, 15:27
Ahh, that could be it then...heat can do that sometimes can't it, and as you say also lack of movement.

24-05-14, 23:03
Went to the beach and was not on computer. Went back and forth between walking and putting my feet up. Dranks TONS of water! At end of the day, my legs looked much better than previous day. Then I took a hot shower and my ankles got puffy again. Ugh. I did notice a few MUCH older women at the hotel (all using canes and scooters) with tree trunk legs, ankles and hugely swollen feet. I assume it is more likely they might have some health issues as well. it made me feel a little better. (Yes, I am obsessing.) Maybe all I need to do is get hydrated, moving, and drop a few.... I was also on NASIDS for 2-3 weeks, off of them now.

ADDED: I did a search on here, and there are quite a few posts on this topic. Just wish peoplke would follow up after they have seen DR or after time passes on these topics!