View Full Version : Terrified I have Cancer

21-05-14, 23:53
Hi there, the last few days i havnt been feeling to well as i mentioned in another post but my fears have now got so bad im in turmoil. It started monday night with a bad sore throat and fever and then tuesday i still had the sore throat and fever and i felt dizzy but tuesday night the sore throat was better and woke up today the fever was a lot better. Then just now ive started sweating and feeling unwell again. I really dont understand wats going on and i just checked my weight and ive lost a bit of weight without trying. I know it has to be cancer as theres nothing else it could be. Anyone ever had anything like this? I feel like crying. Ive got a 10 month old baby. Any advice would be great? Could this be cancer?

Please reply
Love Louise x

22-05-14, 00:18
Hi Louise,

Sore throat, fever, sweating, feeling unwell, symptoms lasting three days so far, albeit coming and going.

Rationally, does this sound like a viral infection, or cancer?

I could probably help your rationalisation along a little there. Half of my workplace is down with a pretty nasty cold at the moment. I've lost a little weight without trying, too, because I've been using an awful lot of energy to fight a virus, and haven't felt much like eating.

Don't be terrified, be good to yourself! Rest, fluids, and medical advice from NHS direct or your GP if symptoms worsen. You know the drill :flowers:

Hope you feel better soon.

22-05-14, 00:40
Weight fluctuates a LOT even within the space of a day or two. It really does sound like a vital infection. Having a 10- month old really does make you worry about your own health a lot, doesn't it!

22-05-14, 07:40
I know I lose weight and gain weight really quickly in the course of a day. What you eat, when you weigh yourself and what you have one can change your weight. Even drinking a glass of water changes your weight.

Also if you have been feeling unwell you probably haven't been eating as much. Viral infections generally take up to a week or more to clear completely.

Take care.

22-05-14, 23:55
"I know it has to be cancer, as theres nothing else it could be" - that is EXACTLY how our anxious minds think. 'I'm not just taking a bit of a flu.. it's cancer, definitely cancer.." No it's not! just you keep calm :) I have spent the past year of my life going to the doctor about a problem that just won't go away. To cut a long story short, in the end everything was ok, i got the all clear. there was NOTHING wrong with me but I had myself CONVINCED that the worst was going to happen. This is how our minds work.
Your weight goes up and down throughout the course of the day. If you weigh yourself in the morning and at night you will find that your morning reading will be lower! So no need to worry about that.
You'll be absolutely fine x