View Full Version : Really awful treatment from gp :(

22-05-14, 00:47
Iv been to the Dr so many times with no success In getting tests done.
I was in so much pain last wed, I phoned nhs24 for advice,told them all my symptoms and how I was feeling and they sent an ambulance out for me. The paramedics did loads of checks and said they could take me into a&e but I would have to wait a long time etc...and if I made an emergency appointment with my Dr that I could get referred into a ward so cut out all the waiting.

So i went to my gp, with my wee bit of paper from the paramedics. And she decided to take some blood and told me to phone back for results on Friday. So I phoned on Friday and was told the Dr hadn't looked at the results yet so could I call back on Monday. So I phoned back !Monday and was told the Dr still hadn't looked at them and wasn't actually in on Mondays so they would send the results to another Dr and could I call back n the afternoon.I phoned back in the afternoon and the receptionist said that the blood test for gluten intolerance came back negative.....and that was all my results. I was confused as to what gluten intolerance had anything to do with anything...and also why that was the only thing they tested for!

Well 10 mins later she calls back and says oh there was meant to be another test but it seems to have got lost somewhere and the lab hasn't received it. Its an ESR test which checks for inflammation. So she said she would pass a message onto the Dr who would call me on Tuesday in regards to having another sample sent or whatever.
So I waited for the call on Tuesday..and after waiting for quite a while I decided to phone myself. The receptionist basically said 'she'll call when she calls, its got nothing to do with me'... But I was assured that she would definitely call that day. So I waited in all day for the call, which never came. So this morning I phoned/back and said that I never received a call. I was then told that the Dr wasn't in on Wednesdays!!....michty me!

So she said a different Dr would call me later. So then a couple hours later another Dr calls me and said 'you wanted a Dr to phone you' (as if I was wasting their time) ..I explained the blood had got lost and was waiting to find out where it goes from here...and got 'uh huh' 'right' replies...she didn't sound amused.

Then she said that an ESR test is non specific...it can indicate inflammation, but it couldn't say where the inflammation is...therefore it could only say if there is a problem...not what the problem actually is ( I knew all this anyway)
So she then went onto say it probably isn't relevant because it won't give an official diagnosis...and that was that. So I'm not even getting the test done now! She said because my other result was negative that there was probably no point...hud on...what?!?!? Surely then there is MORE point..and what has a negative result for gluten intolerance got anything to do with inflamation?!?!

I'm really upset and angry at this whole thing! I believe that test was extremely relevant, because I'm in pain. And I am pretty sure that test would have proven that something is going on inside my body....but first they lose my blood and now they won't even do the test! I literally have no idea where to go from here!

I mean what do I do??...go in kicking and screaming? I don't know what else will work!

22-05-14, 00:57
Could you change your Dr? Or ask to see another?

22-05-14, 01:08
My gp surgery is so bad. The waiting list to see specific doctors is usually around 3 weeks. So when I phone up for same or next day appointments (coz I can't wait 3 weeks) I just get given whatever doctor is available. So iv seen around 6 or 7 different doctors before eventually getting this blood test.
The Dr that ordered the blood test, is not a Dr iv ever come across or met before.
I know it would be best to have a specific Dr and stick to that Dr, but I just can't wait 3 weeks between appointments.

22-05-14, 01:11
I agree that's not professional. Some doctors lose their humanity. I would say look for another doctor. I have great doctors now but it took me a while to find them.

22-05-14, 01:13
Could you change Drs surgery? I just left a place like that.
They took 4 months to get me a Dr's note, they made me pay for it even though it was late and they didn't put my diagnosis on it so I ended up needing a 2nd one!

If not you could make a complaint? Make another appointment and start again maybe?

22-05-14, 11:20
Katie if you don't mind me asking what pain are you getting? Sorry if I have missed any threads about this. New to site. The GP experience you are mention is a pretty poor show. Not uncommon these days.

22-05-14, 11:47
last time i went to the dr i literally got yelled at by my old man family gp and got called selfish and self obsessed for having health anxiety. i cried that day. and it was my birthday! needless to say i moved gp practice and am now very happy with my new gp.

22-05-14, 11:51
Doctors are like plumbers. Some will be good, some will be bad. Best to go with one with more experience as they're likely to know more.

Re health anxiety, you need to pick a doctor you trust and stick to them. Do not go flitting from doctor to doctor as this is one of the worst things you can do and will hinder your recovery.

22-05-14, 17:18
Hi trueman - I have been getting upper abdominal pain, back pain, nausea, night sweats, and now I have pain in some of my bones, especially left side knee, leg and arm pain.
The Dr who took my blood told me to make a follow up appointment to see her again, which is tomorrow morning...I'm hoping I might get somewhere tomorrow.
I saw a really nice Dr a while back...he was so lovely, spent about 40 mins with me going through symptoms, doing tests etc. He is literally a brand new Dr though. Looks like early 20's and only just started working as a Dr. So as much as I like him, he won't have the same experience as an older Dr.

Eastofeden - that's terrible! Did you make a complaint? I would have. Glad you found a good Dr. Seems like they are hard to find.

22-05-14, 18:52
Re health anxiety, you need to pick a doctor you trust and stick to them. Do not go flitting from doctor to doctor as this is one of the worst things you can do and will hinder your recovery.

This is good advice for anyone with a chronic illness whether it is physical or mental. If you hop from doctor to doctor then you will get lots of conflicting advice because the doctor is not fully informed of your history and ongoing problems/symptoms.

It is frustrating having to wait to see a doctor but in my experience it is not uncommon to have to wait 2 weeks to see a specific (popular) doctor. Nor is it particularly unreasonable because the doctor can only work so many hours a day and they have loads of patients - massive demand limited supply unfortunately. Obviously if it is an emergency then you can get seen the same day by someone, but if possible it is better to wait and try to see the same person.

22-05-14, 20:14
I am lucky I have a fantastic Dr who refers me very quickly as he knows I have HA. I always try to see the same Dr as get knows my history very well. Keep trying til you find the Dr you trust.

22-05-14, 21:09
No matter which Dr you see they will all have in front of them your medical history, its all on comp now.
Also if like me you are lucky enough to have a really good medical centre they will all treat you the same, with compassion and thoughtfulness, why should you except anything less you pay there wages when all's said and done.
Write to the practise manager, you will be amazed how your treatment will change and if it doesn't then change surgeries, any within your local catchment area you can apply to register with, check available ones on NHS Direct also read the reviews on there so you know what to expect, good luck.

22-05-14, 21:51
You do need to try to see the same dr, I found a good one at my surgery and at first it took me 3 weeks to see her but now it seems easier and I can even ask her to call back on the phone if I have an "emergency" and she does! That treatment is unacceptable and you need to change and grind a dr you trust and like.
All the best xxx

23-05-14, 11:55
Went to the Dr this morning. She isn't going to bother doing the ESR test. She said she has no idea whymy bones/muscles hurt and prescribed me more acid reflux tablets even though I don't have indigestion, and was given a 6 week prescription of them 3 weeks ago and still have 3 packs left....

So that's that then I guess.