View Full Version : So stressed going to Doctor about blood on toilet paper.

22-05-14, 01:08
Hi everyone,

I am finally going to a doctor later today in about an hour about blood on the toilet paper when I wipe. It's been happening on and off since January and I can be fine for a couple of weeks then it comes back. Fine for a day ... it comes back. I am sick of convincing myself I'm fine and then having it happen again. I know everyone says it points to hemmies and I do have hemroids which I can see and I have had bleeding from hems before.

However I am stressed because this year the blood doesn't seem a bright bright red and seems mixed in with the stool when I wipe (though when I look in the bowl) it usually seems fine.

I am not sure if hemroid bleeding is meant to look like that, sometimes when I wipe it just seems to have a reddish tinge to the leftover stool and I get confused whether it's blood. Today I am certain there was some blood. It was a very small amount but it was darker red but still red. Maybe purply red. Stool seems fine.

I am so stressed and panicky I feel like crying. I don't like doctors at the best of times, and now I'm not only embarassed I feel like they are going to tell me something really bad or that I have to go through a colonoscopy which I am terrified of. More the results than anything. I feel sick to my stomach.

22-05-14, 01:13
I bet it will be hemorrhoids. Have you been given any medication/cream for them? Hopefully your doctor can reassure you.

If they do want you to go for a colonoscopy, I'm sure it would just be precautionary if anything. I haven't had one, but I've heard they are actually quite easy to get through.

Let us know what happens.

22-05-14, 01:17
Thanks swgrl09 ... I hope that's what it is but I keep freaking out that it's not because of the darker colour of the blood ... brownish red (mixed with stool) or darker red smears but not quite the "bling" in your face red of a fresh cut.

22-05-14, 01:29
I once had so much blood every time I had a bowel movement the toilet water was red. Every day. Was sent for colonoscopy - it was just hemorrhoids. Absolutely nothing sinister at all. Good luck.

22-05-14, 01:32
Thanks UkmamainUS for those words. I am more worried over the colour of the blood ... was yours bright red? Everywhere I see it says hemroids / fissures have to be bright red. Mine is usually a dull / darker red or brownish red tinge when wiping.

I appreciate everyone's words. My heart is beating so fast now.

22-05-14, 02:10
Try to take some deep breaths ... you'll know soon.

22-05-14, 02:14
Doctor is running late. Never seen her before. Sitting in the waiting room and not looking forward to the whole look up my bum thing. I feel bad for the doctor on top of feeling super anxious

22-05-14, 02:45
In truth I don't recall. I think for colon cancer the blood is normally in the poop more than on the outside and by darker when you wipe it's almost black from spending time in your colon. Hang in there and let us know when you know more xxx

---------- Post added at 19:45 ---------- Previous post was at 19:41 ----------

Oh and colonoscopies really are not that bad. Even the prep want so horrific as I thought it'd be either.

22-05-14, 03:05
When I had a hemorrhoid checked, she poked around down there but I really hardly felt it at all. It is so awkward though. I'd rather go to the gyno, at least I'm used to that! lol

22-05-14, 03:33
Thanks, I just got back from the GP. It was uncomfortable but she was thorough. There were a couple of hemmies but no obvious bleeding / source of blood. She said she didn't feel anything inside. However she still wants me to go for a colonoscopy.

I want to faint. She said it's unlikely but she's seen people under 40 with bowel cancer and the results surprised her so she said she just wants to rule things out especially with the slightly darker blood. This isn't making me feel any better! I am freaking out about the results and I don't even know when my appointment is. I don't know how I'm going to get through it.

22-05-14, 03:38
So my hubby had precancerous cells during a colonoscopy and he is only 36 so yes, it does happen, BUT - he went for a colonoscopy because he has had crazy amount of issues - not talking just a bit of blood - if he hadn't had something wrong I'd have been shocked. So, of your only issue is the blood, trust me there is still hope, and if it is colon cancer, take heart in that it takes about ten years to fully develop I to cancer, and the pre cancer, once it is removed for biopsy, it is gone! It is highly treatable if caught early, and if this is your first symptom and you are under 40, IF you do have cancer it is likely to be early on and you will be fine.

22-05-14, 03:43
Thanks UKmamainUS ... I'm sorry to hear about your husband but it sounds like he is fine? What were his symptoms ... I heard bowel cancer doesn't really have symptoms that's why you need screening ....

22-05-14, 03:53
He is fine thanks. I was more shaken by it than he was and he is clear now. He has had blood in his stool fir a long time, going to the bathroom would take him almost an hour, there were really loud of little things that just added up to it not seeking quite right. Eventually he actually went in because he had really bad diverticulitis and they always have you get a colonoscopy after because the two share done common symptoms. I'm glad he got it.

But back to what I said, even if you have something, since you are so young it will likely be early stages and completely treatable. That said, my money is on the hemorrhoids being the cause of your bleeding.

22-05-14, 07:26
Thanks again UKmamainUS for the reassurances. I am going to try and stay calm for now. I still don't know when my appointment will be.

Anyone else who had bleeding (not necessarily bright bright red) gone for a colonoscopy but turned out to be ok?

Thanks again guys. This forum has been helpful. I've tried to stay away the last month but came back here cos I started coming undone again with this issue :(

22-05-14, 13:13
Hi Dee, just checking in to see how it went. I'm sorry it seems like the doctor wasn't able to reassure you and has sent you for a colonoscopy. It's good though that she is covering her bases and not just sending you on your way if she is not 100% sure.

Listen to UKmamainUS. Colonoscopies catch things early, so it is a good thing they are doing them. I haven't had one, but from what I've heard, often if they see something precancerous they just pluck it out and send you on your way. But that's even IF there is something, which there is a large chance there is not.

Try to just take it one day at a time, as there is a lot you don't know. Let us know when you get your appt. :hugs::hugs:

22-05-14, 13:48
Everyone gets blood on their toilet paper from time to time, I really don't think you have anything to worry about! :)

22-05-14, 13:58
This is so easy for me to say but try and stay calm , if she was worried she's have sent you ASAP not just wait for an appointment they have to see you in 2 weeks . It's positive she couldn't feel anything and sometimes if the blood has a brown tinge it's because it's a bit slower flowing you'll be fine , just imagine how happy you'll be when you get the all clear xx

23-05-14, 05:07
Hi everyone, I just got a call today with an appointment for 2 weeks time. Your words are very reassuring and I can see all the common sense in it.

I'm just so worried they will find something - like something that's been in there and it's too late. I don't know I'm in cold sweat just thinking about it. I broke out in cold sweat the moment I got the call.

I hope you are all right and it's just hemmies but I'm so so scared. Thanks again everyone.

15-08-18, 18:26

How did it go?

Any updates?

15-08-18, 18:30
This thread is from 2014. The OP was logged on the end of May of this year so I would safely assume all is well.

Positive thoughts