View Full Version : Worried about Tooth Abcess.

22-05-14, 02:51
So I have a broken upper tooth on my left side near the back which i had for about a few years now. Only a year ago did it start hurting and giving me problems. I went to a dentist and they did a xray and said that it was infected also gave me some antibiotics. The pain kinda subsided and went away for a month after i was done with them. Then a few months after that i had some really intense pain in my jaw and other side of my mouth. Decided to go and find another dentist which turned out to be my old childhood one and she just gave me some antibiotics again. This was a few months ago, now I am getting a bit of a dull ache on and off in my jaw again and on the other side of my right mouth. I do suffer from TMJ and have a mild case of Gingivitis also. I also been having some neck pain and headaches, although I have no idea if its related to the tooth. Also did have a sinus infection that cleared up on its own.

I am kinda worried that my body may have gotten use to the pain or something and the infection is spreading or something. I have read stories about people dying from untreated tooth abscess's but again hard to trust things on the internet since most of it seems like fear mongering. Also worried that all the stuff I am experiencing could be from the infection or it can all be a coincidence.

22-05-14, 03:00
What's your dental hygiene routine?

I've had a lot of infections due to having a fear of the dentist, and none of them have cause me any harm. Well some of them were INCREDIBLY painful but no long term health effects of any kind :)

22-05-14, 05:11
well my hygine wasnt the greatest in the past but over the last few weeks been using that Crest Pro Health Clincal gum protection toothpaste, brushing twice a day, sometimes 3 times depending on what i eat. I also floss after brushing also.

22-05-14, 05:30
Antibacterial mouthwash could be a good addition to that :)
Definitely keep brushing at least twice a day, that helps prevent infection more than you'd imagine.
Hope you feel better soon x

22-05-14, 06:48
thanks, :) I do actually have a antiseptic mouthwash that i use now and then. Will start using it more until i can get this tooth out