View Full Version : Costochondritis Worries

22-05-14, 07:16
For those who have had or have Costochondritis, what does it feel like for you?

The first month or so was agony and incredibly unpleasant, I suffered atleast a few panic attacks because of it. I'm now about 3 months through and now it's just become a dull feeling in my ribcage with the occasional flare up, but it feels like it's my heart, anybody else feel like this? I've read a lot of articles and forum posts about how people feel with costochondritis within the first week or so of having it, but I don't hear much about how people feel months into the healing process, some insight would be great, thanks.

22-05-14, 07:33
Alright, I don't know if I had Costochondritis or not, BUT! I've had heartburn pain so bad I feared the worst. At least I think it was gas pain, it was the worst when I was working overnights by myself at work. Stress made it worse too. I felt like the guy in Alien when the alien burst out of his chest. Back then I Googled it and saw it was possibly an aortic dissection! Burping can help so can carbonated drinks. If burping stops it, then that's what it is. Some people get obsessed with burping though, so watch out for that one.

22-05-14, 09:22
I've had it recently, for me it was pretty serious, it affected my breathing and lasted well over a year. I was bed ridden on and off because of not being able to breathe right. I also struggled to use my arms at all because the pain on my chest was so intense I couldn't really move my upper body.

In many ways it is pain of the heart because its the cartilage around your heart that's inflamed, at least that's what they told me. The entire time I felt like I was dying, especially when I'd been in bed for a while, but now I'm rid of it and healthy.
It treats everyone differently, sounds like you're recovering really well :)

22-05-14, 10:27
Costochondritis is inflammation of the costchondrial joint, which causes pain and tenderness and it can lasts for months and sometimes years, some things can aggravate it coughing,lifting,sitting over your comp for hours and even driving long distance.
Probably loads more as well, it is nothing to do with your heart but can feel like it maybe is, does it hurt when you press the area of pain.

22-05-14, 13:52
Thanks for the replies, Mine hurts when I touch certain parts of my ribcage in the costochondral area, but its more of a tenderness than pain, although it can flare up in areas and cause a stabbing pain.

Worried 24/7
22-05-14, 14:16
I went to ER early this morning cuz I thought I was having a heart attack. Ice been having pain on the right side of my chest in a spot the size of my finger tip that's tender. It comes and goes. Then this morning I lifted my toddler up onto my bed and afterwards had this really strange pain in the center of my chest i'd never had before. After being at ER few hours I was diagnosed with chest wall pain and prescribed muscle relaxe rs and Motrin. So it was really ironic to find this post right now

22-05-14, 15:48
Go to see a chiropractor. I had this very bad for about a year. Then I started to go to a chiro a few times for the initial adjustments. Then they give you stretches that will help. The main problem comes from your spine and then radiates around to your rib. Also, I was about 30 pounds overweight. I have lost 25 pounds and I am telling you I still have issues but nothing like it was a year and half ago. Now i only go to the chiropractor once a month. You might not be able to get rid of it completely but it can get much better.

22-05-14, 15:50
I have suffered with costo for about 9 years. When i first got costo it was excruciating pain and it took me about 1 year to get properly diagnosed. At first i couldn't even pick up my nephew without a stabbing feeling in the middle of my chest. It basically feels like someone is inserting a sharp object right through your chest and into the bone. Over the years I've learned to just deal with the pain and although i experience pain every day, i still manage to be active since the pain isn't as excruciating. Alcohol and certain foods in my experience aggravate the inflammation and can make the pain excruciating. In my case the pain is always worse in the mornings and until i crack the area (much how you would crack your knuckles, but by putting pressure inward on the area and pushing my chest outward quickly while simultaneously releasing the area i was applying pressure to) the pain in pretty unbearable. One doctor told me that i probably shouldn't to that since it could make it worse, but it always makes me feel better.

After about 3 years of constant pain, mood swings, lack of social life and depression i finally decided to push my bodies limits. I began to do boxing to see if it affected me and surprisingly I was able to perform all activities without any pain (only once did the pain really hit me when i throw a hook and missed the pain shot immediately and i almost dropped to my knees). The most painful exercise are chest dips, but after the 1st set the pain begins to subside. I've read that you shouldn't exercise with costo, but after 3 years of pain and weight gain, i decided nothing can be worse than doing absolutely nothing, which I tried for a long time, along with naproxen, etc..

Today after 9 years of dealing with this pain, I woke up in the morning and attempted to crack the area, but have been unable too. The pain today is worse than it has ever been, i cant even extend my arm without the sharp stabbing and pain. In my experience the pain shifts from the middle of my chest to my right chest plate then to my left chest plate on any given day. The pain shoots to my back sometimes as well, but I think that's more due to trying to crack my chest and pulling muscles in my back. I took prednisone yesterday for my bronchitis, otherwise nothing different. I've also been suffering from headaches everyday for 3 years, which I'm happy to report has been finally going away... For the first time in 3 years I'am headache free for 6 months straight. Costo can be very painful and while many people get it and it goes away, many like me have it for years with no relief. I finally got a doctor who is willing to do direct injections to the area and i hope to begin that treatment by next week. I've only had one thing that takes away the pain for me, its a drink and although many people say it cant be possible, when u have pain for 365 days a year for 9 years and take a drink and feel absolutely no pain, like if you never even had cost...it's enough for me. I even called the company and told them in the hopes they could do a study as their is no cure for costo, but they just sent me a free box of their product. I wont mention the product because I'm not here to promote a product, but rather share my story. Also, the product isn't really healthy, so although I know it works for me i never take it. I really do wish that maybe someone can do a study on the product and if its proven to help, help isolate the good things in the product like all the vit b's to create something that can provide immediate relief. I'll add that I have a weak stomach so taking naproxen and other anti inflammatory is not good enough for me and I've never found them to really help, but instead cause really bad stomach problems.