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View Full Version : do you ever feel like your own worst enemy

22-05-14, 11:44
when i have great days - i truly forget about all the various anxiety probs i have, even giving advice to others etc

then bang - sitting at home with hubby or friends and that terror comes over you and for love nor money we cannot rationalize our own advice :shrug:

i mean even tho i am being referred to a cardiologist, from what i have gathered it is to rule out any heart problems as last tests were 2010 and bloods 2012

she even said it is more than likely a bad reoccurence of anxiety as i only took kalms but she said after 10 years i may be immune to them.

i asked was it urgent to see the cardiologist and she said no so i know rationally = nothing life threating but in the bad times BOOM its A&E lol

sorry about this post but needed to write it down so i can maybe help myself at that time

22-05-14, 15:11
Definitely our own worst enemy. Good luck on the tests.

22-05-14, 17:17
You could be describing me.
Thankyou for this,it has helped me knowing I'm not alone,which I already knew,but reading it from someone else reinforces it.

22-05-14, 18:09
All the time but got to take it with a pinch of salt.