View Full Version : Heart Palpitations or not? Need input

22-05-14, 13:16
I've been having this almost tickle in my chest that comes up and causes a shortness of breath for just a second or less. Almost feel like I have to cough too. I've had this for at least a year but was never worried and didn't have them as frequent until a panic attack acouple months ago. I've been getting them more and by thinking about them I think they are more prone to occur but I don't know. Has anyone experienced this?

---------- Post added at 12:16 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ----------

This might need to be moved to the sub forum Heart Palps. Sorry, I just noticed after I posted.

Catherine S
22-05-14, 14:04
I get palps but have never described them as tickles to be honest, more like a pause in the beats followed by a bit of a thud..classic ectopics, and sometimes I get heart flutters...feels like a little bird dancing on my heart...could this be what you are describing? Alot of people get them on here so you're not alone.


22-05-14, 14:24
I think I know what you mean. Over the past year, for a period of a few months, I experienced a weird and very brief flutter that felt like it was either in my heart or my solar plexus. It affected my breathe for an instant. I'd generally inhale when I felt it. Thought nothing of it at first but the more it happened the more I wondered what it actually was.
I don't know whether it was heart, breathe or acid related but it's now gone completely.

22-05-14, 14:42
Yeah, it generally happens when I breathe in. I can't really tell if its my heart or not. Do guys get the sensation of coughing when you have one?

22-05-14, 15:17
I never had the desire to cough no.

It came from my solar plexus, centre of my chest like a breathe or an extra heart beat. Some sort of flutter there that was very brief and seemingly because of nothing. Could happen when I was just sitting watching telly.

No cough though.

You've suffered from acid reflux in the past haven't you ?
Make sure you treat that and see if it has any effect on it.
I could have had something like that around the time too.
It was certainly temporary as it's gone now.

23-05-14, 03:16
I'm not sure if it was reflux or palpitations to be honest. I have researched it a little bit and have came across people who have similar symptoms to me and it appears to be palpitations. I am trying to really feel where its coming from when it happens to me but still not sure. Maybe I should go to the doc and get it checked out just in case.