View Full Version : Starting a new job

22-05-14, 13:28
I have been hired by an agency to do family therapy. I'm really happy for the opportunity and it's great experience for my career. I'm supposed to start Tuesday, 5/27.

So the issue now is I am waiting for my school to verify my master's degree because I just graduated last week. Because of their auditing process, they don't know if they can get it in on time. Today is the last day before the auditor goes on vacation and Monday is a holiday here. So if she can't verify my degree today, I can't start until the next agency orientation, which is June 9th. Then I will miss the position-specific training for my position, which only comes around every couple months. So I feel like I will start off behind everybody else.

I've been back and forth with the HR people throughout the process and my supervisor. They keep saying that if it doesn't get verified, they'll just push me to the 9th. However I always have anxiety and personalize things so I am thinking that I am going to look bad because the school isn't verifying the degree on time. Like... I will start with a mark on my record even though this is really out of my hands or they will decide they don't want to wait and fire me before I even start.

Does anybody else personalize things or blame themselves for things that aren't their fault? I always do, especially with work. I beat myself up over things that I did my best at and are out of my hands.

22-05-14, 13:54
Well done for graduating and well done for being hired already to do family therapy !

I think most people would be annoyed at your situation there. You've clearly worked hard to make all that happen so to have a fly in the ointment like that is annoying. I hope it comes today for you.

Focus on what's gone right and be more determined to make it a success despite the initial annoyances.

I'm definitely inclined to go "what if they fire me before I've started now though !" If there's something to worry about we'll find it.

22-05-14, 14:00
I am starting a new job too and I am having trouble with all my paperwork and I am also worried that because its not sorted in time for my start date they will think badly of me :( Trouble is unlike you its because I have been disorganised and not sorted things out in time. Now I am proper stressed, turned my phone off and avoiding my emails. Congrats on the new job though!

22-05-14, 15:58
Thank you for your responses and congratulations :) Oosh, I am going to try to think of the positives. They wouldn't have hired me if they didn't want me. I applied early - before I had graduated, so they have been waiting and I keep thinking they must be tired of waiting so long already!!!

Shannabanna, I know what it's like to get overwhelmed. I had tons of paperwork to fill out too. They wanted it all done within 2 days of giving me an offer so they could do my background checks and sent me off to get a physical and drug test that day. It was so stressful, but I tried to just do one thing at a time and it got done. Try to not focus on the big picture and just take one task at a time. Congrats on your job as well :)

22-05-14, 16:14
Sounds like you have low self esteem and care too much about what people think of you more than what you think of yourself. When you think like that you are the only person creating those bad feelings within you because you are telling yourself 'stories' , oh how the mind loves a good story and boy oh boy do we fall for them , all the time.

22-05-14, 16:27
Thanks, Dave. Yeah, this is something I have battled for a while so I am pretty aware of it. It gets in the way a lot for me, because I doubt myself even though all evidence points otherwise. I'm trying to work on it, but my low self-esteem is SO good at what it does!

22-05-14, 16:37
Congratulations on the new job :yahoo:
If it doesn't get sorted today it is through no fault of yours and I know they will understand and appreciate that xx

22-05-14, 16:55
Thank you :)

22-05-14, 17:02
If you've ever been part of a committee or group process, you know it take time to cut through red tape. That is just the way it is. Getting diplomas and verifying degrees is more a one person process. You're definitely personalizing it. Relax... all will be fine.

Congrats on the degree and the job!

Positive thoughts

22-05-14, 20:45
Thanks for the advice. Just found out that they verified my degree so I am all set to start on Tuesday. What a relief!

22-05-14, 20:50

22-05-14, 21:01
Thanks for the advice. Just found out that they verified my degree so I am all set to start on Tuesday. What a relief!