View Full Version : Stresseeeeeed!!

22-05-14, 14:20
Hi guys,

I haven't been on here for a couple of years now and have generally been trying to make it through the HA minefield!

Anyhow, last Thursday I noticed a lump in one of my testicles which had me instantly worried obviously! I couldn't tell if it was just a cyst or something more sinister, so with a huge push I managed to get myself down to the doctors. He felt around and said he thinks it's a cyst, but he's not 100% so he's going to refer me to have bloods and an ultrasound.

I know he only said it to be sure, he's being thorough which I should be appreciative of, but it's got me really panicking! He said on the way out "If it is cancerous, an ultrasound should pick it up"...

I'm back at work, but frankly petrified that I'm going to be one of the unlucky ones. He said I'll have to wait anything up to six weeks for the ultra sound appointment - I don't know whether to be reassured by that or not.

I'm scared :weep:

22-05-14, 14:41
When I found a lump in my boob in October 2012 my doctor said exactly the same thing. She was almost certain it was fibrous but to be 100% sure I was referred to the breast clinic. I think with lumps & bumps it's standard procedure regardless of what it may or not be. I had to wait 4 weeks for an appointment which didn't do my anxiety much good. Like you, I'd already told myself I would be the unlucky statistic! I can't offer any other advise than just accept you will have to wait and try to get through it as best you can. I'm not a doctor but I'm certain you're going to be fine. If your doctor is a good doctor and thought for one minute it was something more serious you wouldn't be waiting 6 weeks for an appointment. Let us know how you get on. Big hugs :hugs:

22-05-14, 19:15
Thanks so much for your reply. I think lumps are quite common, but they're so concerning while waiting. I had my bloods done today so should get results back to the surgery Monday or Tuesday. I guess I'll hear if there's anything concerning.

I hate this state of mind. The doctor felt around my tummy asking if it was sore, I said no, and all of a sudden this evening my tummy feels sore!!! Absolutely ridiculous and definitely in the mind, but my tummy is sore!

I think half the time we convince ourselves and the symptoms follow... But if I know this to be true why can't I stop it?!

Your hugs are much appreciated!!

25-05-14, 20:11
Ok, so the Dr said I'd hear about the Ultrasound within six weeks, which was reassuring as it didn't sound too urgent, and he asked me to book a blood test but didn't request an urgent blood test... Although I was able to get the bloods done immediately. My ultrasound appointment is Saturday :-/ seems really quick! In many respects I guess it's a good thing, but the fact things are moving so fast is a bit scary. I think it's unintentional as the doctor did say he didn't think it was much to worry about but he wasn't sure. I think he'd have put me forward for an urgent ultrasound if he suspected anything. The wait is excruciating!!

27-05-14, 22:03
I received my blood test results back today - no indicators of cancer, all normal.

It provided a little reassurance although it's not the be all and end all. Keeping my fingers crossed for the ultrasound on Saturday.