View Full Version : 10mg REALLY kicking in!

22-05-14, 14:31
Feel barely with the people in the office at mo. Not sure if i want to sleep throw up or scream and my right leg is going like a jack hammer:wacko:. Want this day over. took 2.5 mg of diazepam at 9.45 this morning but its hardly touching the side of this. ARRGHHHH!!

damn im tired of this!

rant over. hoping i can one day look back on this realising i did the right thing taking meds.

Sorry not vey positive folks, just sharing my truth:hugs:


22-05-14, 14:46
Awwwww poor u big hugs

22-05-14, 16:46
Hang in there Paul..I had a really bad day yesterday also, but on Sunday I had a decent day (some improvement)..I am taking .5mg of lorezapam once or twice a day, and most of the time I feel it is not doing anything. And I am so worried about trying to get off of it..
The important thing to remember is to hold on to those moments that you feel some improvement, even if it just a little improvement..We have to have faith that those moments will increase and soon we will have a really good day, and then have several good days..I am for you...:hugs:debbie

22-05-14, 22:12
Hang in there

23-05-14, 15:15
Thanks for the encouragent all, today been bit more human:hugs: