View Full Version : Adverse reaction

22-05-14, 14:52
Hi my name is Jon, 55 yo male, Im on Parnate 30 mg / Seroquel prn ~50 mg per night.
The last 12months of vicious anxiety started when I was talked into having ECT an at the same time was put on citalopram which I hadn't had before . I went into hosp last July (2013) with depression had 3 weeks of ECT and came out with unbearable anxiety, The Dr changed me from Citalopram fairly soon after the anxiety started (ECT wrecks your memory so I cant remember a lot) and put me onto Zoloft which I did have when I was younger and Seroquel but instead of getting better I was getting worse as he increased the dose. The anxiety became unbearable and I was thinking about suicide a lot and I ended up in hosp last Dec and after weaning off zoloft and a 10 day washout they put me on Parnate / Seroquel sent me home after 5 weeks. Im trying to manage on Parnate using the Seroquel which can blanket the anxiety. My anxiety is better than before its now like feelings of dread which seem to be in the background the feelings attaches to thoughts or I feel bad when If I watch the News/ TV. Sometimes I have a bad night start thinking about something and get worked up worrying about things I ve done in the past. I haven't worked since last July and I like to stay at home, sometimes im ok with people but often I feel anxious and want to get home. Why did I write this

22-05-14, 15:27
So sorry you're feeling like this. Anxiety can be the absolute worst. Do you have anyone you can talk to? I completely understand the need to get home feeling. Sometimes it feels like the only safe place to be. Take care of yourself. Jingo

22-05-14, 15:42
I understand how you feel, don't give up hope, if the tablets worked before they can work again. You are not alone....there are many people on this site who know how you feel...these people really care and can support you. Sending you a hug:hugs: