View Full Version : Swollen spleen, someone please

22-05-14, 18:07
Please talk to me, I have two little kids with me and I'm freaking out big time.

I have felt a fullness in the bottom of my rib cage for days now, I googled :/ and its exactly where my spleen is, Jesus Christ I have never ever been so cared in all my life. The doctor has said come in at 11 tomorrow and I am shitting myself.


22-05-14, 18:18
You have an appointment tomorrow - that's good. Until then try to calm down and STAY OFF GOOGLE. I know this is easier said than done but just try to distract yourself.

22-05-14, 18:20
Try not to freak out, says she who does it all the time! The problem with Google is that it always says the worse possible diagnosis and that's the one we latch on to! It's horrid. I would think it highly unlikely that it's anything to do with your spleen, far more likely to be dyspepsia which is incredibly common in people with anxiety. I'm suffering with stomach issues myself at the moment so I know how you feel. My therapist says that we make up scary movies in our minds. It is only a thought, powerful as it feels. The more we concentrate on feelings in our bodies the worse they become. I've been obsessed with my stomach today, but yesterday I wasn't. I'm sure your GP will be able to put your mind at rest. Go easy on yourself and try to relax. Yes, that magic word that seems impossible! X

23-05-14, 07:01
Well I freaked out massively, panic attacks lasted for hours, and my heart rate was crazy so I went to A&E, where for the first time, the doctors and nurses actually listened to me. Fel all around my spleen, and said it was nothing, also did full bloods, which came back clear for everything.also did 2 ECGs. Heart was fine, even though my heart rate was fast, and my BP was fine.
That's the first lots of bloods iv had done, and have been worrying for months iv had cancer/thyroid problems/anemia/low blood sugar, which was causing my anxiety. But the bloods were completely clear, so I guess now its all in my head.
I hope this is what I need to start feeling better. Right now I feel exhausted because the adrenalin pumping round me meant I didn't sleep very well and I haven't eaten since yesterday morning.

23-05-14, 07:29
So glad you're mind has been put at rest! X

23-05-14, 07:49
All this time, iv been so scared to have my bloods done. But now I have I know there's nothing sinister iykwim, just need to move on from here now... Thanks Jilly :) Lets hope this starts a new chapter.

23-05-14, 08:26
Hi I am pleased that your tests have all come back negative, think of this as a big stop sign and that now you can use it as a starting point for the rest of your life.
Its good that you see it as being as you said all in your head, this is the problem the symptoms seem so real so fool you into believing Its some gross fatal disease which you know Its not now.
If ever you feel your mind taking over again try to nip it in the bud before it escalates that way you will have a beautiful long life.