View Full Version : Newbie - Panic Attacks & Anxiety

22-05-14, 18:35
Hi, just joined this site, a little nervous but wanted to say hello.

I've always been one of those people that worries about anything and everything but was able to cope....sort of. I've had panic attacks in the past/throughout life but nothing in comparison to the last couple of months. Panic attacks and anxiety have pretty much taken over, preventing me from being able to go to work or even leave the house at times. I have numerous attacks throughout the day which grow stronger into the night, so I don't sleep well. Not taking any medication but have seen numerous health professionals (GPs, paramedics, hospital doctor, nurses etc) who have all put my symptoms down to anxiety. Though currently being tested for asthma as well due to family history. Also, been assessed by a counsellor who is going to refer me to a therapist.

So I guess I should stop blabbering on. But it would be nice to meet people who are going through the same thing and understand. From what I've seen so far I've come to the right place :)

22-05-14, 18:59
Hi I had anxiety and panic attacks for about 5 years everyday was a challenge but I have come through the other side although still get the odd moment and would like to say hang in there and I hope yours subsides

22-05-14, 20:19
Thank you. Glad to know a survivor so to be speak. Gives hope.

22-05-14, 20:54
Get Therapy first.
Then discuss with your GP if you could also benefit from some mild Anti-Depressants.

Talking really does help.

Good luck :)

23-05-14, 21:27
:)Hi, I am a Newbie too. I used to have trouble sleeping and waking several times in the Night and sometimes actually afraid of going to sleep in fear that something dreadful would happen to me. I have managed to overcome that part of my anxiety. I invested in some relaxation CD's and play them when I go to bed until I fall asleep. I also do some gentle Yoga exercises that release bad toxins out of the body and fresh oxygen is then circulating the whole body. I then drink a glass of tap water and do breathing exercises; (5 in through the nose, 7 out from the mouth). make sure my pillows are high and plumped and now I fall asleep immediately and get a good 7 hours kip. I hope this might help you or others if reading?

25-05-14, 11:57
I've tried listening to nature sounds like the ocean and downloaded apps to my phone which are supposed to help me sleep but so far I'm too fidgety to relax properly, constantly shaking. I also have this thing where I feel I can't get enough air and am terrified I'm going to stop breathing or something just as bad, so breathing exercises have only made me panic more. I know that sounds silly and I know it is likely just my anxiety but the thought is still there. Nevertheless, seeing that someone else has had the same thoughts and is overcoming them is a relief. Maybe I can get to that stage too, hopefully soon. Thank you :)

29-05-14, 02:27
Hi, i also experienced that during the height of my panic attacks, tired and about to sleep then racing thoughts come and then you cannot breath as if there is little air :-) That's when i finally decided to see a Dr..:)