View Full Version : Base of skull. ...help!!

22-05-14, 19:16
Hi all... HA rearing it's head bad.....

Heres the thing about 8ish weeks ago I woke with stiff neck with pain and pain at base of skull...also along with tonsils sore....anyway with painkillers a couple of hours later it eased and latest a few days...a couple of weeks later I got a cold and it returned but not so bad and my tosnils would feel swollen, either the left of right....
I made dr app and they said probably tonsillitis and gave me antibiotics but as my tonsils and glands had been up for so long if tablets didn't work try glandular fever....anyway the tablets worked.

Anyway going back to the pain in the base of skull im still on qnd off getting tiny pain abd pressure there.....its both left and right side of the skull....

Ive had a lot of stress anxiety and worry this last year but even more since my grandma died 6weeks ago. But I got the head pain before she died....

Just any reply from anyone to say they have had the same or reassurance would be much appreciated

22-05-14, 19:22
Just a thought, not sure of your age but im 23 and having trouble with my wisdom teeth coming through, they are cousing pain in my jaw and neck... could that be the case for you? ??

22-05-14, 20:20
Im 25 & no sign of wisdom teeth....:( no wisdom for me.....lol.

22-05-14, 20:28
Sorry about your grandmother :(

Certainly stress and worry can contribute to tension and pain in your neck. Tonsillitis, especially if it's a chronic thing, is a persistent bugger as well. Best to follow up with your doctor.

Positive thoughts

22-05-14, 23:05
Just a thought to add to this.....before the neck and head pain all started I was giving my daughter shoulder rides.....could it be connected?...and I thought this as Tuesday I had her on my shoulders and the head pain startee again yesterday....